Migrants’ clusters in Russian city (the Case of Chelyabinsk City)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: South Ural State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 1

The article is based on materials from field studies of the places of concentration of migrants in Chelyabinsk. Research tasks of the article: 1) to identify the objects of concentration of migrants, 2) to determine the basic laws of their folding and functioning, 3) to propose scenarios of their possible development for the future. The author, in a unified logic, considered three illustrative cases of concentration of migrants: the “Chinese” market, residential buildings around it, and route taxis. Comparing these objects with each other, the author assumes that the emergence and functioning of areas of concentration of migrants is determined by a special logic. The object of the analysis is the development around large markets that have emerged on the urban periphery. In the urban periphery, as a result of various demographic, social and other processes of recent decades, there has been a partial change of population. At the present stage, a significant part of it is made up of migrants. They are mostly market workers, their relatives and friends. At the same time, migrant infrastructure was developing in the “ethnic” markets and in the adjacent residential buildings. In the perception of the local population, such a location acquires the image of a migrant. However, the real scale of the presence of migrants looks more modest than local residents imagine.

Keywordsmigration, urban studies, Chelyabinsk, Chinese market, minibuses
AcknowledgmentSouth Ural State University is grateful for financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant No FENU-2020-0021). The author thanks the head of the Migration and Ethnicity Research Group of the RANEPA Evgeny Varshaver and the Teaching Staff of the School No. 42 in Chelyabinsk for the valuable advices.
Publication date27.01.2022
Number of characters18275
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