Discourse on the “Nationalization of Elite” as an Object of Sociological Analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 11

Since E.V. Okhotsky systematically presented a widespread set of judgments, this allows us to consider the commented article as a self-sufficient presentation of a certain approach to the «nationalization of the elite». The article gives a critical review of this discourse at a conceptual and conceptual level, which has a high ideological («sovereign») bias and therefore hides many aspects that are fundamentally important for the scientific analysis of calls for «reorientation of elites to state interest».The organic disadvantages of this discourse are analyzed, such as a vague understanding of the «elites», the lack of evidence of the recommended measures for its «nationalization» and the departure from the definition of their subjects. It is concluded that the discussion of «nationalization of the elites» should be considered in the context of the conflicting relationships of authoritarian-populist authorities, elite social groups and grassroots strata in developing societies.

Keywordselite, «nationalization of the elite», political language, national interests, civil society, authoritarian populism, power-property
Publication date22.12.2020
Number of characters33419
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