Individually and Socially Oriented Parental Values in 9 Russian Regions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Department of Personality Research
Affiliation: Institute Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 7

Parental values are long-term views of moral features family should encourage in children. The aim of the paper is to explore Russians’ parental values structure and differences between Russian regions. Hypotheses mainly based on Inglehart’s modernization theory concern the impact of people’s well-being, religiosity and town size on parental values. Research is based on a duplicate of a 6th wave (2012) of World Values Survey carried out in 9 Russian regions including: Moscow and St. Petersburg; Leningrad, Tambov and Altai regions; Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, and Kabardino-Balkaria. Schwartz’ value typology was used to aggregate moral features that illustrate parental values in WVS questionnaire. The resulting 2 indices relate to individualist values, and socially oriented values. Typology was tested by exploratory factor analysis and Spearman’s correlations, with the exception of one quality, - unselfishness. Two ordinal and one binary logistic regression models are built. List of predictors contains social demographic and geographic indicators, religiosity features, and well-being parameters. Main findings of the research are: the more secure and prosperous life people lead the stronger their stress on individualist parental values is. On the contrary, socially vulnerable people are more likely to encourage conservation values in children.

Keywordsparental values, children, individualism, altruism, modernization, religiosity, autonomy, obedience, World Values Survey
Publication date01.08.2020
Number of characters33013
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