Support of Social Entrepreneurship: Evaluation of Mechanisms and Rating of Russian Regions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Institute of information transmission problems RAS
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Institute of sociology of FCTAS RAS
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 5

The support for social enterprises in Russian regions is analyzed. The author's methodology of the study is given: goals, objectives, hypotheses, expected results, the concept of the rating of Russian regions according to the degree of support mechanisms development. The assessment of support mechanisms by criteria of awareness, quality and significance was obtained in the course of a survey of three groups of respondents – social entrepreneurs, resource center employees and government officials. Estimates of supporting mechanisms quality in a number of regions are given in graphical form. Based on the rating calculations for 38 subjects of the Russian Federation, it was found that these regions fell into three groups in terms of the intensity of support (good, average and weak). More than half of regions (24) are in the group of average intensity of support for social entrepreneurship, No one region fell into the group of high intensity of support.

The author's methodology of the study is presented: goals, objectives, hypotheses, expected results, the concept of designing a rating of Russian regions on the degree of development of support mechanisms. Estimates of supporting mechanisms quality in a number of regions are given in graphical form. Based on the rating calculations it is shown that most regions are in the zone with an average intensity of support for social entrepreneurs. The study showed that social entrepreneurship in a number of Russian regions is in the initial stage of formation.

Keywordssocial enterprises, social entrepreneurship, support mechanisms in the Russian regions, criteria for assessing mechanisms, rating of the regions according to estimates of support mechanisms
Publication date05.06.2019
Number of characters24156
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