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3. Bereznoy A. (2015) The Global Big Oil on the Way to Business Model Innovation? WP BRP 40/STI, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. 33 s.
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5. Yergin D. (2018) Dobytcha. Vsemirnaya instoriya borby za neft, dengi i vlast. [The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power]. M.: Alpina Publisher, 2018. 956 s.
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16. Sanzillo T., Hipple K., Williams-Derry C. (2018) The Financial Case for Fossil Fuel Divestment. The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. 55 s.
17. Stevens, P. (2016) International Oil Companies. The Death of the Old Business Model, Chatam House, London, UK. 45 s.