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1. Richard N. Haass, Charles A. Kupchan. The New Concert of Powers. Foreign Affairs. 23/03/2021. URL: (accessed: 03.11.2021).
2. Ibidem.
3. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Military Expenditure 2020. URL: (accessed: 04.11.2021).
4. Richard N. Haass, Charles A. Kupchan. Op. cit.
5. Ibidem.
6. Lavrov s tribuny OON rasskazal, ch'i pravila nuzhno soblyudat'. TASS. 26.09.2021. URL: (accessed: 05.11.2021).
7. Nicu Popescu, Alan S.Alexandroff, Colin I. Bradford. The Case against a New Concert of Powers. Foreign Affairs. 11/05/2021. URL: (accessed: 05.11.2021).