«Have You Seen the Maiden?» Romantic Ekphrasis: Poetics and Psycology

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: European University at St. Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 3

This paper explores potential links between the poetics of the Romantic ekphrasis and the approach to imagination in the psychology and aesthetics of the period. The author argues that simultaneous use of literary and pictorial topoi was typical for the Romantic ekphrasis, and that it was used to stimulate memory and imagination, and to encourage the working of the so-called «eyes of the mind», responsible for the visualization of abstract ideas, such as the idea of beauty. The case studies used to substantiate the idea are Pushkin’s poems The Tempest and The Nereid, as well as Tiutchev’s I Remember the Golden Times.

Keywordspoetics of romantic ekphrasis, literary and pictorial topoi, theory of imagination, «eyes of the mind», idea of beauty
Publication date13.10.2018
Number of characters637
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