Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Researcher
Affiliation: University of Tartu (Estonia)
Address: Estonia,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 3

The first prose piece by Alexander Bestuzhev Journey to Revel is traditionally considered in the context of literary travelogues and compared with Nikolai Karamzin’sLetters of the Russian Traveler and Dupaty’sLettres sur l’Italieen 1785. This article offers a reinterpretation of Journey to Revel. The outset of the story is connected with Bestuzhev’s article published in the magazine Syn Otechestva (1818). The style of Journey to Revel is considered to be the result of various influences, the key one being the orientation on the oral speech and the influence of its individual style on Bestuzhev’s works. In the novel, he designed a specific style, that became his distinctive mark and was given a special name.

KeywordsAlexander Bestuzhev-Marlinski, Journey to Revel, travelogue, poetics of prose, Russian Romanticism.
Publication date01.09.2020
Number of characters50097
100 rub.
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