Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature
Affiliation: University College London
Address: United Kingdom (Great Britain),
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 2

The article focuses on a corpus of narratives written in various cultural and historical contexts both within metropolitan Russia and in diaspora, which engaged with the process of dehumanization of the world and mankind and the inadequacy of Russian literature’s traditional arsenal to represent the anthropological experience of the 20th century. These texts revised the humanist pathos of Russian culture, the European legacy and Eurocentric discourse, and created an alternative conceptual and aesthetic language that became particularly relevant for contemporary Russian literature.

Keywordshumanism, dehumanization, Modernism, deindividualization, literary canon, Eurocentrism.
Publication date01.06.2020
Number of characters69118
100 rub.
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