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1. Akhundov T.I., 2005. Materials for studying the West Asian migration to the Caucasus. Arkheologiya, etnologiya, fol'kloristika Kavkaza [Archaeology, ethnology, folklore studies of the Caucasus]. Baku: Nurlar, pp. 52–53. (In Russ.)
2. Akhundov T.I., 2014. Alkhan-tepe – a settlement of the early Bronze age in Azerbaijan. Zapiski Instituta istorii material'noy kul'tury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk [Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS], 10, pp. 78–92. (In Russ.)
3. Akhundov T.I., Almamedov Kh.I., 2016. The Southern Caucasus in the Neolithic – early Bronze Age (the Central and Eastern region). Arkheologiya i etnografiya Azerbaydzhana [Archaeology and ethnology of Azerbaijan], 2, pp. 19–33. (In Russ.)
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18. Narimanov I.G., Akhundov T.I., Aliev N.G., 2007. Leylatepe. Poselenie, traditsiya, etap v etnokul'turnoy istorii Yuzhnogo Kavkaza [Leyla-tepe. Settlement, tradition, a stage of the Southern Caucasus ethnocultural history]. Baku. 127 p.
19. Narimanov I.G., Akhundov T.I., Veliev S.S., Tagieva E.N., 1994. Results of the palynological studies in cultural layers of Eneolithic and Bronze Age settlements in Agdam district. Materialy nauchnoy sessii posvyashchennoy 100-letiyu vidnogo azerbaydzhanskogo arkheologa Salekha Mustafa oglu Kazieva [Proceedings of the academic session to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaijani archaeologist Saleh Mustafa oglu Kaziev]. Baku, pp. 105–107. (In Russ.)
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