Mental reality and the subject of psychology

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Honorary professor
Affiliation: Federal State Scientific Establishment Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education
Address: Moscow, Mokhovaya str., 9, building 4
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal

The statement that mental reality which psychological science could not find for a long time is a reflective and behavior-regulating activity of the brain is grounded in the article. This activity rightfully according to F. Crick can be considered and called brain’s mental activity. It should be recognized and actually is the real ontological object of psychology. The fundamental difference between mental activity of brain and all other biological processes in animals’ and humans’ bodies is revealed. The processes of mental activity of a brain have a dual ideal-material nature. They are ideal in their content, because they embody the existing reality outside of them. They are material, since they are spatially-material from beginning to end. To substantiate the proposed statements the data of neurophysiology about brain neurons-detectors, ideas of modern evolutionary epistemology (K. Lorenz, G. Vollmer), the philosophical views of Aristotle and Spinoza, and definition of the nature of the ideal by E. Il’yenkov have been used. The structure of mental reality is considered as an integral functional system consisting of seven main subsystems (cognitive, need-motivational, emotional, mnemonic, communicative, integration-regulatory, activity-energy). The possibility of conceptual convergence of psychology of mental processes and personality psychology is discussed. Hypothetical ideas about psycho physiological mechanisms of human consciousness (John Edelman, A. M. Ivanitsky) are analyzed. J. Edelman’s fundamental program for complex study of mental reality is described briefly. 

KeywordsMental reality, ideal-material nature of mental reality, object of psychology, particular subjects of different psychological sciences, system structure of mental reality, human consciousness
Publication date04.08.2020
Number of characters45038
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