Organizational and personal factors of burnout in psychologist-consultant

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Post-graduate of psychology department
Affiliation: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Address: Moscow, Moscow, Mohovaya str. 11, b. 9, Russia
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 Issue 2

The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis about correlation of years of working, place of working, number of patients, the presence of vacations, illnesses, medical visits, behavioral strategies and hardiness with the level of specialist’s burnout. 92 psychologists participated in the research. By means of correlation analysis a negative relationship was found between burnout and hardiness (p < 0.01), a positive relationship between burnout components and elements of the State-Trait model (anxiety, depression, anger, p < 0.01), and a positive relationship between burnout components and some coping strategies. Statistically significant difference in control (subscale of hardiness), p < 0.05 has been revealed when comparing groups across years of working: specialists who work for 4–8 years had lower rates for the variable “control” than specialists who work less or more years. Statistically significant difference in number of clients per week in “Chronical diseases” scale (р = .024) has been revealed: specialists with more clients per week had more chronic illnesses than specialists with fewer clients per week. When comparing specialist with high and low levels of burnout no statistically significant differences in years of working have been revealed. Thus the study does not confirm the hypothesis about correlation of years of working and a number of clients with the level of burnout. Significant differences have been revealed for a number of variables with hardiness and its components such as commitment, control and challenge (p ≤ 0.001): specialists with low level of burnout had higher rates of hardiness and its components than specialists with high level of burnout. The data make it possible to suggest that dynamic personal factors including hardiness plays a significant role on development of burnout syndrome.

KeywordsBurnout, syndrome of burnout, personal meanings, psychological counseling, hardiness, years of working
Publication date04.03.2020
Number of characters32509
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