Methodology for measuring altruistic attitudes

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Faculty of Social Sciences National Research Institute Higher School of Economics
Address: Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 issue 1

The results of the development and validation of the author’s methodology for measuring altruistic attitudes are presented. The technique diagnoses installation and behavioral components. The questionnaire allows you to evaluate the attitude toward altruism, which is understood as the desire to benefit others, to actively engage in a situation where another person is suffering or experiencing difficulties, the tendency to be included in activities useful to others. It includes 18 statements, which are rated on a 7-point scale, and a lie scale of five statements. On a sample of 480 people (17–23 years), the validity and reliability of the methodology were verified. The dispersion totality for all factors amounted to 48.67%, which indicates a fairly strong coverage of the selected factors of the tested quality. Cronbach's alpha was 0.787, Cronbach's alpha based on the standardized points 0.79, which indicates a sufficient reliability of the method. After repeated testing after 3 weeks, the correlation coefficient of the results of the first and second testing was 0.947 at p < 0.001. The questionnaire can be used to assess the orientation on helping behavior (altruism) for research and practical purposes.

KeywordsPsychodiagnostics, methodology, psychological test, altruism, helping behavior, altruistic attitudes
Publication date27.12.2019
Number of characters18466
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