Inhabitants of the Southern Coast of Crimea. To the 45th Anniversary of Cape Martyan Reserve

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Nikita Botanical Gardens — National Scientific Centre, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Yalta
Affiliation: Nikita Botanical Gardens — National Scientific Centre, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Yalta
Affiliation: Nikita Botanical Gardens — National Scientific Centre, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Yalta
Affiliation: Nikita Botanical Gardens — National Scientific Centre, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Yalta
Affiliation: Nikita Botanical Gardens — National Scientific Centre, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Yalta
Journal namePriroda
EditionIssue №8

Cape Martyan Nature Reserve was established to preserve relict sub Mediterranean juniper forests of the Northern boundary of their range on the Nikita Botanical Garden’s lands in 1973. The monitoring of the unique native com plexes within the 120 hectares of land and 120 hectares of the Black Sea areas has been performed over 45 years. The landscapes, geomorphology, geology, soil, climate, and vegetation have been described and studied by the pro gram Chronicle of Nature. The maps and the annotated lists of biota have been made. The Nature Reserve posits a high level of a biological diversity of ground and sea biota, as well as the number of rare species, protected by Russian Federation and Republic of Crimea Red Lists and International Conventions. Its biological diversity includes 270 species of sea algae, 63 species of moss, 410 fungus species, 555 vascular plants, 1045 invertebrates, and 272 species of vertebrata animals. A protected status on regional and national levels is applied on 13 algae, 2 moss, 2 lichen, 11 macromycete, 45 vascular plant, and 93 animal species. Four new species of spiders (Arachnida) and 25 of mite (Acariformes) species were described on its territory; new species of plants and animals have been found in recent years.

KeywordsNature Reserve, sub-Mediterranean landscape, biota, rare and endangered species, the Southern Coast of the Crimea
Publication date04.10.2018
Number of characters1224
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