In memoriam Xenia V. Khvostova (05.06.1934–27.05.2021)

Publication type Personal
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the laboratory
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Address: , Rozdestvenka, 12
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations
Affiliation: Sevastopol State University
Address: Russian Federation, Sevastopol
Journal nameDigital Orientalia
EditionVolume 1 № 2

The material is dedicated to the famous Russian Byzantine historian and methodologist of science K.V. Khvostova. Kseniia Vladimirovna was a doctor of historical sciences, chief researcher and head of the Center for Problems of Historical Knowledge at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, responsible editor of the festschrift “The Problems of Historical Knowledge”. She was the author of 7 monographs and more than 200 scientific publications. Her scientific heritage requires continued study and effectuation in modern historical science.

KeywordsKseniia V. Khvostova, methodology of history, Byzantine studies, socio-economic history, quantitative methods, historical informatics, historical objectivity, transdisciplinarity
Publication date22.04.2022
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2 27 мая 2021 г. российское и мировое сообщество историков потеряло замечательного исследователя и прекрасного человека, Ксению Владимировну Хвостову. Она родилась в 1934 году в Москве, на Рождественке, в семье академика Владимира Михайловича Хвостова (1905–1972), историка Германии Нового времени, ученого-международника и дипломата. Ее дед, Михаил Михайлович Хвостов (1872–1920), был известным историком-антиковедом, приват-доцентом Московского и профессором Казанского и Томского университетов. Брат деда, философ и социолог Вениамин Михайлович Хвостов (1868–1920), — русский философ и социолог, профессор римского права Московского университета. Ксения Владимировна стала продолжательницей семейной традиции и также связала свой жизненный путь с исторической наукой. Областью ее научных интересов стала Византия — особая цивилизация, соединившая в себе дух Античности и новые, средневековые формы организации общественной жизни.
3 После окончания исторического факультета МГУ в 1957 г. К.В. Хвостова начала работать в Институте истории АН СССР, с которым оказалась связанной вся ее профессиональная деятельность и где она долгие годы руководила Центром «Проблемы исторического познания». В это время появляются первые публикации молодого ученого [1-10]. В 1965 г. она защитила в Институте славяноведения и балканистики АН СССР кандидатскую диссертацию на тему «Особенности аграрно-правовых отношений в поздней Византии», выполненную под научным руководством З.В. Удальцовой [11]. Первая монография К.В. Хвостовой, выпущенная в 1968 г. на основе кандидатской диссертации, выделялась использованием новых методологических подходов, включающих приемы количественного анализа данных экономической истории Византии с применением новейшей вычислительной техники [16]. Представленные в работе результаты обогатили наши знания в области поздневизантийских аграрно-правовых отношений.
4 С целью усовершенствования и модернизации методологии исторических исследований Ксения Владимировна занялась углубленным изучением точных математических методов и заочно окончила математическое отделение экономического факультета МГУ (1972). Уникальное сочетание профессионализма в области истории Византии и высокой компетенции в области точных наук позволили ей создать поистине новаторское исследование — «Количественный подход в средневековой социально-экономической истории», опубликованное в 1980 г. Эта работа, ставшая на сегодняшний день классической, на широком историческом материале убедительно демонстрировала продуктивность эмпирического применения методов квантитативной истории [26]. Материалы монографии стали основой её докторской диссертации «Теоретико-количественный подход в средневековой социально-экономической истории (на византийском материале)» [27], защищенной в Институте славяноведения и балканистики в 1981 г. В последующий период творческие интересы Ксении Владимировны органично развивались из сферы экономической проблематики в область идеологии и социального менталитета [28-64]. Закономерным итогом её исследований стала опубликованная в 1992 году монография «Социально-экономические процессы в Византии и их понимание византийцами-современниками» [65].

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1. Khvostova, K.V. “History of the South Slavs in the 6th–15th centuries in Soviet historical literature 1950–1957.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 15 (40). 1959. Pp. 185–195 (in Russian).

2. Khvostova, K.V. “Relations between the Hilandar Monastery and some of its metochions in the 14th century.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 18 (43). 1961. Pp. 30–53 (in Russian).

3. Khvostova, K.V. “Some questions of the history of immunity charters of the Macedonian monasteries in the 14th century.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 19 (44). 1961. Pp. 38–59 (in Russian).

4. Khvostova, K.V. “Some issues of feudal rent based on the materials of the Ivirian practitioners of the 14th century.” In Vizantiyskie ocherki. [1]. Moscow, 1961. Pp. 241–278 (in Russian).

5. K[hvostova], K. “[Annot.:] Krekić B. Dubrovnik (Raguse) et Levant au moyen âge. Paris, 1960.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 23 (48). 1963. Pp. 301–302 (in Russian).

6. K[hvostova], K. “[Annot.:] Lipshits, E.E. Geoponici.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 23 (48). 1963. Pp. 295–296 (in Russian).

7. Khvostova, K.V. “[Rev.:] Dölger F. Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des Oströmischen Reiches, IV. Teil. München–Berlin, 1960.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik. 23 (48). 1963. Pp. 268–273 (in Russian).

8. K[hvostova], K. “[Annot.:] Questions of the history of the Slavs, vol. 1. Voronezh, 1963.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 25 (50). 1964. Pp. 273–273 (in Russian).

9. K[hvostova], K. “[Annot.:] Лишeв С. За генезиса на феодализма в България. София, 1963.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 25 (50). 1964. Pp. 270–271 (in Russian).

10. Khvostova, K.V. “About some peculiarities of Byzantine pronoia.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 25 (50). 1964. Pp. 212–230 (in Russian).

11. Khvostova, K.V. Peculiarities of agrarian legal relations of the late Byzantium of the 13th–15th centuries (Historical and sociological essay). Abstract of the dissertation. Moscow, 1964 (in Russian).

12. Khvostova, K.V. “Ῥίζα χωρίου in the 14th century: (To the question of the peculiarities of taxation in Byzantium).” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 26 (51). 1965. Pp. 46–57 (in Russian).

13. Khvostova, K.V. “Antique elements in Late Byzantine agrarian legal relations.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 27 (52). 1967. Pp. 107–130 (in Russian).

14. Khvostova, K.V. “Neoplatonic philosophy of the 4th–6th centuries.” In History of Byzantium. Resp. ed. S.D. Skazkin. Vol. I. Moscow, 1967. Pp. 395–408 [Ch. 18] (in Russian).

15. Khvostova, K.V. “Agrarian legal relations in Byzantium XIII-XV centuries.” In History of Byzantium. Resp. ed. S.D. Skazkin. Vol. III. Moscow, 1967. Pp. 97–108 [Ch. 6] (in Russian).

16. Khvostova, K.V. Peculiarities of agrarian legal relations of the late Byzantium, 14th–15th centuries (Historical and sociological essay)[Osobennosti agrarnopravovykh otnoshenii v pozdnei Vizantii, XIV-XV vv.: istoriko-sotsiologicheskii ocherk]. Moscow, 1968 (in Russian).

17. Khvostova, K.V. Determination of the degree of differentiation and inequality of social groups and classes using entropy analysis (Materials for discussion. Symposium on topical problems of source studies. Tallinn, 1972). Moscow, 1972 (in Russian).

18. Khvostova, K.V. “Some questions of the application of quantitative methods in the study of socio-economic phenomena of the Middle Ages (according to Byzantine sources of the 13th-14th centuries).” In Mathematical methods in historical research. Moscow, 1972. Pp. 15–88 (in Russian).

19. Khvostova, K.V. “Methodological problems of applying mathematical methods in historical research.” Voprosy Istorii 11. 1975. Pp. 97–111 (in Russian).

20. Khvostova, K.V. “On the question of the methodology for measuring the degree of socio-economic inequality in historical totality.” In Mathematical methods in research on socio-economic history. Moscow, 1975. Pp. 45–74 (in Russian).

21. Khvostova, K.V. “The fate of paroikoitry and peculiarities of the taxation of paroikois in Byzantium in the 14th century (a quantitative approach to the problem).” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 39 (64). 1978. Pp. 54–75 (in Russian).

22. Khvostova, K.V. “[Rev.:] Litavrin G.G. Byzantine society and the state in the 10th-11th centuries. Moscow, 1977.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 40 (65). 1979. Pp. 195–203 (in Russian).

23. Bessmertnyj, Ju. L., Khvostova, K.V. “M.M. Khvostov and his views on the history of the Western European peasantry (based on an unpublished course of lectures).” In History and Historians: Historiographic Yearbook. 1977. Moscow, 1980. Pp. 322–345 (in Russian).

24. Khvostova, K.V. “The stratification of late Byzantine peasants.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 41 (66). 1980. Pp. 3–20 (in Russian).

25. Khvostova, K.V. “Methodological problems of applying mathematical methods in historical research.” Voprosy Istorii 4. 1980. Pp. 70-80 (in Russian).

26. Khvostova, K.V. Quantitative approach in medieval socio-economic history [Kolichestvennyĭ podkhod v srednevekovoĭ sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkonomicheskoĭ istorii]. Moscow, 1980 (in Russian).

27. Khvostova, K.V. Theoretical and quantitative approach in medieval socio-economic history: on the materials of Byzantine sources of the 13th-14th centuries. Abstract of the doctoral dissertation. Moscow, 1981 (in Russian).

28. Udal’cova, Z.V., Chvostova, K.V. “Les structures sociales et économiques dans la Basse-Byzance.” Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik 31/1 = XVI. Internationaler Byzantinistenkongress (Wien, 4.–9. Oktober 1981). Akten. I. Teil: Hauptreferate. 1. Halbband. 1981. S. 131–148.

29. Chvostova, K.V. “Sur la question d’application des méthodes quantitatives dans les recherches socio-économiques de Byzance du XIVe siècle.” Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik. 31/Beiheft = XVI. Internationaler Byzantinistenkongress (Wien, 4.–9. Oktober 1981). Akten. I. Teil: Hauptreferate. Beiheft. 1981. [1] p.

30. Udal’cova, Z.V., Chvostova, K.V. “Soziale und wirtschaftliche Strukturen (Hauptreferenten Z. Udal’cova – Ks. Chvostova) : Diskussion.” Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik 32/1 = XVI. Internationaler Byzantinistenkongress (Wien, 4.–9. Oktober 1981). Akten. II. Teil. 1. Teilband. 1982. S. 179–182.

31. Khvostova, K.V. “Once again about the term "πτωχός" in Byzantium.” In Vizantiyskie ocherki. [4]: Proceedings of Soviet scientists for the XVI International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Moscow, 1982. Pp. 208–215 (in Russian).

32. Khvostova, K.V. “To the question of the use of the term "eleuteroi" in the Byzantine inventories of the 13th-14th centuries.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 44 (69). 1983. Pp. 18–26 (in Russian).

33. Udal’cova, Z.V., Khvostova, K.V. “Social and economic structures in late Byzantium (On the issue of changing the position of the peasantry in the Byzantine Empire in the 13th-14th centuries).” In Interconnection of social relations and ideology in medieval Europe. Moscow, 1983. Pp. 96–118 (in Russian).

34. Khvostova, K.V. “The role of quantitative methods in historical knowledge.” Voprosy Istorii 4. 1983. № 4. Pp. 62–76 (in Russian).

35. Khvostova, K.V. “Medieval sources on socio-economic history and the possibility of their quantitative analysis.” In Actual problems of source studies and special historical disciplines. Abstracts of the IV All-Union Conference (Dnepropetrovsk, October 31 - November 2, 1983). Moscow, 1983. Pp. 213–220 (in Russian).

36. Khvostova, K.V. “Historical sciences and information.” In Complex methods in the study of history from ancient times to the present day. Abstracts of the conference reports. Moscow, 1984. Pp. 18–21 (in Russian).

37. Application of quantitative methods in research on the agrarian history of the USSR: a collection of articles. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 1984 (in Russian).

38. Khvostova, K.V. “On the question of the structure of the late Byzantine rural settlement.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 45 (70). 1984. Pp. 3–19 (in Russian).

39. Khvostova K.V. “De l’union des concepts philosophiques et théologiques, éthiques et pragmatiques du pouvoir et de l’autorité à Byzance.” Βυζαντιακά 5. 1985. Pp. 69–75.

40. Chvostova K.V. “Die Theorie der sozialo?konomischen Differenzierung feudalabhängiger Bauern und das Problem ihrer teilweisen Formalisierung.” Wirtschaftsgeschichte und Mathematik. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1985. S. 9–28.

41. Mathematical methods and computers in historical research. Ed. I.D. Kovalchenko, Ju. L. Bessmertnyj, L.I. Borodkin, L.V. Milov, K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 1985 (in Russian).

42. Khvostova, K.V. “Accidental and necessary in society in the understanding of Georgius Pachymeres.” In The 17th International Byzantine Congress (1986): Abstracts of Short Papers. New Rochelle (NY): Caratzas, 1986. Pp. 64–66 (in Russian).

43. Khvostova, K.V. “Philosophy of the history of Gregoras and Pachymeres and modern informatics.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 46 (71). 1986. Pp. 146–156 (in Russian).

44. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantine peasantry in the 12th-15th centuries.” In History of the peasantry in Europe. The era of feudalism. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1986. Pp. 210–232 (in Russian).

45. Khvostova, K.V. “Migration processes among late Byzantine dependent peasants.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 48 (73). 1987. Pp. 13–22 (in Russian).

46. Khvostova, K.V. “Modern theoretical problems of the information-quantitative approach in historical science.” Modern and Contemporary History 6. 1987. Pp. 44–54 (in Russian).

47. Khvostova, K.V. “Quantitative methods in the study of medieval socio-economic phenomena.” In Economic history. Problems and research. Moscow, 1987. Pp. 49-68 (in Russian).

48. Khvostova, K.V. “Theoretical and specifically historical problems of the informational approach to historical science.” In Complex methods in historical research. Abstracts of reports of the scientific meeting. Moscow, 1987. Pp. 11–14 (in Russian).

49. Udal’cova, Z.V., Karpov, S.Pp., Litavrin, G.G., Khvostova, K.V., et al. “In The 17th International Byzantine Congress in Washington.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 49 (74). 1988. Pp. 241–252 (in Russian).

50. Khvostova, K.V. “Pronoia: socio-economic and legal problems.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 49 (74). 1988. Pp. 13–23 (in Russian).

51. Khvostova, K.V. “Some issues of internal trade and trade policy in Byzantium in the 14th-15th centuries.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 50 (75). 1989. Pp. 36–46 (in Russian).

52. Mathematical methods and computers in historical and typological research. Ed. I.D. Kovalchenko, L.V. Milov, K.V. Khvostova, L.I. Borodkin. Moscow, 1989. ISBN 5-02-009481-1 (in Russian).

53. Khvostova, K.V. “On the issue of using the stochastic process model in the analysis of taxation of peasants in late Byzantium.” In Mathematical methods and computers in historical and typological research. Moscow, 1989. Pp. 112–120 (in Russian).

54. Khvostova, K.V. “Methodological problems of application of quantitative methods in Western historiography.” In Modern foreign non-Marxist historiography. Critical analysis. Moscow, 1989. Pp. 63–77 (in Russian).

55. Khvostova, K.V. “Content Analysis in Cultural History Studies.” Odysseus. Man in History – 1989. 1989. Pp. 136–144 (in Russian).

56. Khvostova, K.V. “Land ownership in late Byzantium (XIV-XV centuries): real relations and their understanding by the Byzantines - contemporaries of the era.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 51 (76). 1990 [1991]. Pp. 3–13 (in Russian).

57. Khvostova, K.V. “La paysannerie de l’Empire Byzantin aus XIIIe–XVe siècles.” Βυζαντιακά 10. 1990. Р. 159–178.

58. Khvostova, К.V. “Problemas gnoseologicos de la ciencia historica a la luz de la aplicacion de los metodos cuantitativos у de los sistemas de busqueda informativa.” Theoria у Metodologia de la Historia. 1990.

59. Khvostova, K.V. “Les modeles simules dans I’histoire du Moyen Age.” L'histoire economique. Prato, 1991.

60. Khvostova, X.V., Kumekin, Yu.Р. “А Classification of Peasants attached to Land in Byzantium of the 14th Century.” Historical Social Research: The Official Journal of Quantum and Interquant 16, N 2. 1991. Pp. 17–24.

61. Chvostova, K.V. “Emploi des méthodes quantitatives et formelles dans la byzantinologie: Bilans et perspectives.” In The 18th International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Moscow, August 8-15, 1991). Plenary reports. Moscow, 1991. Pp. 325–336.

62. Khvostova, K.V. “Understanding the social phenomena of the past and present in Byzantium 14th-15th centuries.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 52 (77). 1991. Pp. 70–83 (in Russian).

63. Khvostova, K.V. “Understanding Chance in Byzantine Philosophy and Theology.” In Vizantiyskie ocherki. [5]: Proceedings of Soviet scientists for the XVIII International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Moscow, 1991. Pp. 102–110 (in Russian).

64. Khvostova, K.V. “The concept of freedom within the framework of the Byzantine political and legal doctrine.” In Power and political culture in medieval Europe. Part 1. Moscow, 1992. Pp. 78–88 (in Russian).

65. Khvostova, K.V. Socio-economic processes in Byzantium and their understanding by contemporary Byzantines (14th-15th centuries) [Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie protsessy v Vizantii i ikh ponimanie vizantiitsami-sovremennikami, XIV-XV vv.] Moscow, 1992. ISBN 5-02-009098-0 (in Russian).

66. Khvostova, K.V. “On the issue of historical knowledge.” Modern and Contemporary History 3. 1993. Pp. 20–28 (in Russian).

67. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantinism "justification of life": (Problems of Byzantine civilization).” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 55 (80)/2. 1994 [1998]. Pp. 5–14 (in Russian).

68. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantine civilization.” Voprosy Istorii 9. 1995. Pp. 32–48.

69. Khvostova, K.V. “Ways of functioning of the Byzantine civilization in time.” Civilization and barbarity. 3. 1995. Pp. 189–198 (in Russian).

70. Khvostova, K.V., Finn, V.K. Gnoseological and logical problems of historical science [Gnoseologicheskie i logicheskie problemy istoricheskoi nauki]. Moscow, 1995. ISBN 5-02-013024-9 (in Russian).

71. Khvostova, K.V. “Emploi des méthodes quantitatives et formelles dans la Byzantinologie: Bilans et perspectives.” In Acts: XVIIIth International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Moscow, 1991). Selected papers: Main and communications. Vol. I: History / Ed. I. Ševčenko, G. G. Litavrin. Shepherdstown (WV): Byzantine Studies Press, Inc., 1996 [1998]. Pp. 310–318.

72. Chvostova, K.V. “La civilisation byzantine comparée à l’Occident du Moyen Age.” In Byzantium: Identity, Image, Influence. XIX International Congress of Byzantine Studies (University of Copenhagen, 18–24 August, 1996). Major Papers / Edited by Karsten Fledelius in cooperation with Peter Schreiner. Copenhagen: Eventus Publishers, 1996. Pp. 37–48.

73. Khvostova, K.V. “On the peculiarities of modern historical knowledge.” Modern and Contemporary History 4. 1996. Pp. 79–82 (in Russian).

74. Khvostova, K.V. “History: Problems of cognition.” Voprosy Filosofii. 4. 1997. Pp. 61–71 (in Russian).

75. Khvostova K.V., Finn, V.K. Problems of historical knowledge in the light of modern interdisciplinary research [Problemy istoricheskogo poznaniia v svete sovremennykh mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii]. Moscow, 1997. ISBN 5-7281-0135-6 (in Russian).

76. Khvostova, K.V. “General peculiarities of the Byzantine civilization.” Electronic journal "Investigated in Russia" 1. 1998 (in Russian).

77. Khvostova, K.V. “The sacred meaning of the names of some Byzantine socio-economic institutions: On the question of the role of theology in the formation of the socio-economic institutions of Byzantium (mainly on the material of the late period).” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 59 (84). 2000. Pp. 24–34 (in Russian).

78. Khvostova, K.V. “Round table "History in the subjunctive mood?": Discussion.” Odysseus. Man in History – 2000. 2000. Pp. 61–62 (in Russian).

79. Khvostova, K.V. “Modern epistemological paradigm in historical science (the role of multivalued logic).” Odysseus. Man in History – 2000. 2000. Pp. 10–13 (in Russian).

80. Comparative Study of the Civilizations of the World (Interdisciplinary Approach): Collection of Papers. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2000 (in Russian).

81. Khvostova, K.V. “Peculiarities of the Byzantine civilization.” In Comparative Study of the Civilizations of the World (Interdisciplinary Approach). Moscow, 2000. Pp. 181–195 (in Russian).

82. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantine civilization.” Voprosy Filosofii 2. 2002. Pp. 127–136 (in Russian).

83. Khvostova, K.V. “Quantitative methods in history.” Voprosy Filosofii 6. 2002. Pp. 60–68 (in Russian).

84. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [1]. [Problemy istoricheskogo poznaniia]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2002. ISBN 978-5-94067-079-2 (in Russian).

85. Khvostova, K.V. “Some humanitarian aspects of the problem of clarifying historical knowledge.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. Moscow, 2002. Pp. 19–27 (in Russian).

86. Khvostova, K.V. “Problems of Social Information in Medieval Society: (based on Byzantine material).” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. Moscow, 2002. Pp. 86–94 (in Russian).

87. Khvostova, K.V. “Social information in public relations in Byzantium.” Voprosy Istorii 11. 2003. Pp. 52–61 (in Russian).

88. Khvostova, K.V. “Eastern and Western traditions in Byzantium and their prospects after the fall of Constantinople (on the works of Friedrich von Halem).” In The historical role of Constantinople (in memory of the 550th anniversary of the fall of the Byzantine capital). Abstracts of the 16th All-Russian Scientific Session of the Byzantine Studies (Moscow, May 29–30, 2003). Moscow, 2003. Pp. 107–110 (in Russian).

89. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantium and the West: Comparison of civilizational parameters.” In Byzantium and the West: (950th anniversary of the schism of the Christian Church; 800th anniversary of the capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders). Abstracts of the 17th All-Russian Scientific Session of the Byzantine Studies (Moscow, May 26–27, 2004). Moscow, 2004. Pp. 165–168 (in Russian).

90. Khvostova, K.V. “Development of legal concepts in the era of the Middle Ages (methodological and concrete historical aspects of the problem).” Voprosy Filosofii 1. 2004. № 1. Pp. 128–136 (in Russian).

91. The role of information in the formation and development of society in the historical past. Ed. K.V. Khvostova, L.I. Borodkin. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-94067-128-4 (in Russian).

92. Khvostova, K.V., Borodkin, L.I. “The role of information in the historical past.” In The role of information in the formation and development of society in the historical past. Moscow, 2004.Pp. 5–8 (in Russian).

93. Khvostova, K.V. “Problems of processing social and legal information in Byzantium.” In The role of information in the formation and development of society in the historical past. Moscow, 2004. Pp. 108–115 (in Russian).

94. Khvostova, K.V. “Controversial issues of Byzantine land ownership.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 64 (89). 2005. Pp. 5–22 (in Russian).

95. Khvostova, K.V. Peculiarities of the Byzantine civilization [Osobennosti vizantiiskoi tsivilizatsii]. Moscow, 2005. ISBN 5-02-010279-2 (in Russian).

96. Khvostova, K.V. “Dialogue with time and contemporary quantitative history.” Dialogue with time 16. 2006. Pp. 134–146 (in Russian).

97. Khvostova, K.V. “Postmodernism, Synergetics and Modern Historical Science.” Modern and Contemporary History 2. 2006. Pp. 22–33 (in Russian).

98. Khvostova, K.V., Korshunov, U.M. “100th anniversary of academician V. M. Khvostov.” Modern and Contemporary History 1. 2006. Pp. 247–250 (in Russian).

99. Khvostova, K.V. “Mechanisms of reproduction of civilizations.” In Civilizations. Vol. 7. Dialogue of cultures and civilizations. Moscow, 2006. Pp. 92–104 (in Russian).

100. Khvostova, K.V. “Insufficiently studied Peculiarities of Byzantine Civilization: Comparison to the West.” Vestnik of the Russian Fund for Humanities 1 (46). 2007. Pp. 15–20 (in Russian).

101. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantine civilization as a historical paradigm.” Electronic journal "Investigated in Russia" 10. 2007. Pp. 1806–1829 (in Russian).

102. Khvostova, K.V. “Mathematical methods in historical research and modern epistemology of history.” Modern and Contemporary History 3. 2007. Pp. 66–78 (in Russian).

103. Khvostova, K.V. “The role and significance of the law of precedents in the system of Byzantine legal order.” Vizantiyskiy Vremennik 67 (92). 2008. Pp. 5–16 (in Russian).

104. Khvostova, K.V. “Problems of the Byzantine philosophy of history.” Voprosy Istorii 8. 2008. Pp. 155–163 (in Russian).

105. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [2]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2008. ISBN 978-5-94067-222-1 (in Russian).

106. Khvostova, K.V. “Actual problems of historical knowledge.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [2]. Moscow, 2008. Pp. 5–18 (in Russian).

107. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantine philosophy of history in the light of modern philosophical ideas.” In Rus’ and Byzantium: The place of the countries of the Byzantine circle in the relationship between East and West. Abstracts of the 18th All-Russian Scientific Session of the Byzantines (Moscow, October 20–21, 2008). Moscow, 2008. Pp. 147–154 (in Russian).

108. Khvostova, K.V. “Some Legal and Social Realities of Byzantium in Their Comparison with the West.” In Feudalism: Concept and Realities: Proceedings of the Round Table (Moscow, IWH RAS, April 25, 2005). Moscow, 2008. Pp. 100–108 (in Russian).

109. Khvostova, K.V. “Understanding social crises in European epistemological tradition.” In Civilizations. Vol. 8. Sociocultural processes in transition and crisis periods. Moscow, 2008. Pp. 82–97 (in Russian).

110. Khvostova, K.V. “Byzantine civilization as a historical paradigm.” In Expanding the Horizons of Science: On the 90th Anniversary of Academician S.L. Tikhvinsky. Moscow, 2008. Pp. 152–163 (in Russian).

111. Khvostova, K.V. “The Byzantian Philosophy of History.” Voprosy Filosofii 5. 2009. Pp. 150–161 (in Russian).

112. Khvostova, K.V. “Problems of a parity of historical and natural-science knowledge.” Modern and Contemporary History 1. 2009. Pp. 94–108 (in Russian).

113. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [3]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2009. ISBN 978-5-94067-266-1 (in Russian).

114. Finn, V.K., Khvostova, K.V. “Theoretical, methodological and logical problems of historical knowledge.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [3]. Moscow, 2009. Pp. 5–16 (in Russian).

115. Khvostova, K.V. Byzantine civilization as a historical paradigm [Vizantiiskaia tsivilizatsiia kak istoricheskaia paradigma]. Saint Petersburg, 2009. ISBN 978-5-91419-145-7 (in Russian).

116. Khvostova, K.V. “Precedent Law in Bysantian Empire.” Vestnik of the Russian Fund for Humanities 1 (58). 2010. Pp. 5–13 (in Russian).

117. Khvostova, K.V. “Actual problems of historical knowledge.” Modern and Contemporary History 5. 2010. Pp. 53–63 (in Russian).

118. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [4]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2010. ISBN 978-5-94067-307-1 (in Russian).

119. Finn, V.K., Khvostova, K.V. “The specifics of historical knowledge.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [4]. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 5–21 (in Russian).

120. Lektorsky, V.A., Khvostova, K.V., et al. “Knowledge about the past in modern culture (materials of the "round table").” Voprosy Filosofii 8. 2011. Pp. 3–45 (in Russian).

121. Khvostova, K.V. “The problem of truth and objectivity in historical science.” In The many faces of the whole: from the history of civilizations of the Old and New Worlds: a collection of articles in honor of Viktor Leonidovich Malkov. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 23–37 (in Russian).

122. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [5]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2011. ISBN 978-5-94067-327-9 (in Russian).

123. Khvostova, K.V. “General evolution and spatiotemporal trends.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [5]. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 5–19 (in Russian).

124. Khvostova, K.V. “Truth and objectivity in history.” Modern and Contemporary History 5. 2011. Pp. 58–68 (in Russian).

125. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [6]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2012. ISBN 978-5-94067-356-9 (in Russian).

126. Finn, V.K., Khvostova, K.V. “Qualitative and logical problems of cognitive historical analysis.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [6]. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 5–18 (in Russian).

127. Khvostova, K.V. “Peculiarities of truth and objectivity in historical knowledge.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [6]. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 51-66 (in Russian).

128. Khvostova, K.V. “The specific features of truth and objectivity in historical knowledge.” Voprosy Filosofii 7. 2012. Pp. 27–37 (in Russian).

129. Khvostova, K.V. “Modern Meta-theoretical Issues of Historical Knowledge.” Vestnik of the Russian Fund for Humanities 4 (69). 2012. Pp. 61–69 (in Russian).

130. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [7]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2013 (in Russian).

131. Khvostova, K.V. “Interdisciplinary nature of historical knowledge and its role in the construction of true historical statements.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [7]. Moscow, 2013. Pp. 5–22 (in Russian).

132. Khvostova, K.V. “Modern post-nonclassical paradigm.” The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”) 4/2 (18). 2013 (in Russian).

133. Finn, V.K., Khvostova, K.V. “Qualitative and logical problems of cognitive historical analysis.” The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”) 4/2 (18). 2013 (in Russian).

134. Finn, V.K., Khvostova, K.V. “The Problem of Exactness in History and Its Importance for the Understanding of the True Historical Statements.” The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”) 5/5 (28). 2014 (in Russian).

135. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [8]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2014 (in Russian).

136. Finn, V.K., Khvostova, K.V. “The Problem of Exactness in History and Its Importance for the Understanding of the True Historical Statements.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [8]. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 7–20 (in Russian).

137. Khvostova, K.V. “Non-classical modern scientific paradigm and historical science.” Voprosy Filosofii 10. 2014. Pp. 25–36 (in Russian).

138. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [9]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2015 (in Russian).

139. Khvostova, K.V. “Methodology of History and Its Connection with Nonclassical Scientific Paradigm.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [9]. Moscow, 2015. Pp. 5–21 (in Russian).

140. Khvostova, K.V. “Some Theoretical Problems of the Use of Mathematical Methods in the Study of the Historical Past.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [9]. Moscow, 2015. Pp. 122–135 (in Russian).

141. Khvostova, K.V. “Methodology of History and Its Connection with Nonclassical Scientific Paradigm.” The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”) 6/7 (40). 2015 (in Russian).

142. Khvostova, K.V. “Some Theoretical Problems of the Use of Mathematical Methods in the Study of the Historical Past.” The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”) 6/7 (40). 2015 (in Russian).

143. Khvostova, K.V. “Words and things in the Byzantine agrarian-legal relations of the XIII-XIV centuries.” Voprosy Istorii 4. 2016. Pp. 3–14 (in Russian).

144. Khvostova, K.V. “Methodology of history and its connection with concrete historical researches.” Voprosy Filosofii 7. 2016. Pp. 74–83 (in Russian).

145. The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [10]. Resp. ed. K.V. Khvostova. Moscow, 2016 (in Russian).

146. Khvostova, K.V. “The Instrumental Function of the Modern Methodology of History.” In The Problems of Historical Knowledge. [10]. Moscow, 2016. Pp. 5–21 (in Russian).

147. Khvostova, K.V. “Inter-disciplinary nature of historical knowledge.” Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal. Humanities and social sciences 1 (86). 2017. Pp. 64–71 (in Russian).

148. Khvostova, K.V. “Actual problems of contemporary epistemology and methodology of history.” Dialogue with time 59. 2017. Pp. 5–17 (in Russian).

149. Khvostova, K.V. “The Instrumental Function of the Modern Methodology of History.” The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”) 8/2 (56). 2017. DOI: 10.18254/S0001713-3-1 (in Russian).

150. Pruzhinin, B.I., Khvostova, K.V., et al. “Philosophical-methodological projects of Russian historians and contemporary problems of methodology of historical cognition. To the 180th anniversary of V.I.?Guerrier (materials of the conference - "round table").” Voprosy Filosofii 9. 2017. Pp. 24–61 (in Russian).

151. Khvostova K.V. “Transdisciplinarity in historical knowledge.” Dialogue with time 62. 2018. Pp. 5–15 (in Russian).

152. Khvostova, K.V. “Modern Theoretical Questions of Historical Sciences.” History magazine - researches 3. 2018. Pp. 24–34. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.3.26234 (in Russian).

153. Khvostova, K.V. “Modern historical narrative.” Voprosy Filosofii 2. 2018. Pp. 6–15 (in Russian).

154. Khvostova, K.V. “The place of historical science in the system of contemporary knowledge.” Voprosy Filosofii 9. 2019. Pp. 108–117 (in Russian).

155. Khvostova, K.V. “Short historical time.” Dialogue with time 67. 2019. Pp. 5–16. DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2019.67.30806 (in Russian).

156. Khvostova, K.V. “Contemporary theoretical problems of civilization.” Civilization and barbarity 8. 2019. Pp. 60–73. DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2019.8.34827 (in Russian).

157. Khvostova, K.V. “Once more of historical events.” Dialogue with time 71. 2020. Pp. 5–15. DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2020.71.63438 (in Russian).

158. Khvostova, K.V. “The General and the Specific in Modern Historical Knowledge.” History magazine - researches 2. 2020. Pp. 38–48. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.2.32522 (in Russian).

159. Khvostova, K.V. “Actual problems of historical events.” Civilization and barbarity 9. 2020. Pp. 31–41. DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2020.9.9.020 (in Russian).

160. Khvostova, K.V. “Small events and transdisciplinarity.” Dialogue with time 77. 2021. Pp. 19–27. DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2021.77.77.001 (in Russian).

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