Publication type Article
Status Approved
Affiliation: Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Address: Russian Federation,

The purpose of this study is to explain the difference in the proportion of women deputies in the representative bodies of municipalities, and the task is to assess the impact of the size of electoral districts on the gender composition of municipal dumas. A review of theoretical and empirical studies shows that more women are elected to Parliament under the proportional representation system than under the majority system with single-member constituencies. According to the author, the decisive factor is not so much the type of electoral system as the size of the electoral district. Working hypotheses were formulated: (1) Representative bodies of municipalities that are elected under a majority system with multi-member districts will have a higher representation of women than local councils formed on the basis of a majority system with single-member districts; (2) The higher representation of women in the deputy corps of settlements is associated with the holding of elections under the majority system with multi-member districts. To test the proposed hypotheses in the context of municipalities, empirical material was collected. The source of information was the database of indicators of municipalities of Rosstat, as well as the official websites of local administrations. The method of multiple linear regression is used as the main research method. Data analysis is performed in the Gretl statistical application program. Statistical calculations revealed a positive and statistically significant impact of elections based on multi-member districts on the share of women in the deputy corps. It is shown that the size of the electoral district is important for the representation of women in the city councils. The article notes that the transition to holding elections of deputies on the basis of a majority system with multi-member districts will help to increase the share of women in representative bodies.

Keywordsgender, municipalities, deputy, electoral system, electoral districts.
Number of characters41721
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3 Мухаметов Руслан Салихович – кандидат политических наук, доцент кафедры политических наук УГИ УрФУ. Адрес: 620083, Екатеринбург, пр. Ленина, д. 51. E-mail:
4 Цель настоящего исследование состоит в объяснении различия доли женщин-депутатов в представительных органах муниципальных образованиях, а задача – оценка влияния величины избирательных округов на гендерный состав муниципальных дум. Обзор теоретических и эмпирических работ показывает, что больше женщин избирается в парламент по системе пропорционального представительства, чем по мажоритарной системе с одномандатными округами. По мнению автора, решающим фактором является не столько тип избирательной системы, сколько величина избирательного округа. Были сформулированы рабочие гипотезы: (1) Представительные органы муниципальных образований, выборы в которые проходят по мажоритарной системе с многомандаными округами, будут иметь более высокую представленность женщин, чем местные думы, формирующиеся на основе мажоритарной системы с одномандатными округами; (2) Более высокая представленность женщин в депутатском корпусе поселений связана с проведением выборов в муниципальные думы по мажоритарной системе с многомандатными округами. Для проверки предложенных гипотез в разрезе муниципалитетов был собран эмпирический материал. Источником информации выступила база данных показателей муниципальных образований Росстата, а также официальные сайты местных администраций. В качестве основного исследовательского метода использован метод множественной линейной регрессии. Анализ данных произведен в прикладной статистической программе Gretl. Статистические расчеты выявили положительное и статистически значимое влияние выборов на основе многомандатных округов на долю женщин в депутатском корпусе. Показано, что величина избирательного округа имеет значение для представительства женщин в гордумах. В статье отмечено, что переход на проведение выборов депутатов на основе мажоритарной системы с многомандатными округами будет способствовать повышению доли женщин в муниципальных представительных органах.
5 Ключевые слова: гендер, муниципальные образования, депутат, избирательная система, избирательные округа.
8 Ruslan S. MukhametovPh.D. (in Political Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences, Ural Humanitarian Institute, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. Address: 51, Lenina Str., Ekaterinbug, Russian Federation, 620083. E-mail:
9 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explain the difference in the proportion of women deputies in the representative bodies of municipalities, and the task is to assess the impact of the size of electoral districts on the gender composition of municipal dumas. A review of theoretical and empirical studies shows that more women are elected to Parliament under the proportional representation system than under the majority system with single-member constituencies. According to the author, the decisive factor is not so much the type of electoral system as the size of the electoral district. Working hypotheses were formulated: (1) Representative bodies of municipalities that are elected under a majority system with multi-member districts will have a higher representation of women than local councils formed on the basis of a majority system with single-member districts; (2) The higher representation of women in the deputy corps of settlements is associated with the holding of elections under the majority system with multi-member districts. To test the proposed hypotheses in the context of municipalities, empirical material was collected. The source of information was the database of indicators of municipalities of Rosstat, as well as the official websites of local administrations. The method of multiple linear regression is used as the main research method. Data analysis is performed in the Gretl statistical application program. Statistical calculations revealed a positive and statistically significant impact of elections based on multi-member districts on the share of women in the deputy corps. It is shown that the size of the electoral district is important for the representation of women in the city councils. The article notes that the transition to holding elections of deputies on the basis of a majority system with multi-member districts will help to increase the share of women in representative bodies.


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27. _____________________________________


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44. Golder S.N., Stephenson L.B., Van Der Straeten K., Blais A., Bol D., Harfst P., Laslier J.F. (2017) Votes for Women: Electoral Systems and Support for Female Candidates. Politics and Gender, Vol. 13, no 1, ðð. 107–113.

45. Johnson-Myers T.A. (2017) The Impact of Electoral Systems on Women’s Political Representation. The Mixed Member Proportional System: Providing Greater Representation for Women? Springer, Cham, ðð. 9–17.

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48. Krook M.L. (2018) Electoral Systems and Women’s Representation. The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems. Oxford University Press, ðð. 175–192.

49. Manning À. (2014) The Effects of Electoral Systems and Gender Quotas on Female Representation in National Legislatures. Clocks and Clouds, Vol. 4, no 2. (

50. Norris P. (2006) The Impact of Electoral Reform on Women’s Representation. Acta Politica, Vol. 41, no 2, ðð. 197–213.

51. Salmond R. (2006) Proportional Representation and Female Parliamentarians. Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 31, no 2, ðð. 175–204.

52. Salnykova À. (2012) Electoral Reforms and Women’s Representation in Ukraine. Gender, Politics and Society in Ukraine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ðð. 75–97.

53. Thames F. (2017) Understanding the Impact of Electoral Systems on Women's Representation // Politics & Gender, Vol. 13, ¹ 3, ðð. 379–404.

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