Phenomenology as the Basis of Political Economy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor, Head
Department of Economics at National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (St. Petersburg)
Hayek Institute for Economy and Law
Address: 3, Kantemirovskaya st., St. Petersburg, 190008, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 6

This article contains philosophical justifi cation of modern economic theory as well as contemplations on the two possible solutions to the problem of microeconomics justifi cation. The fi rst case describes positivism as microeconomics justifi cation, and the second – phenomenological justifi cation of Austrian political economy. The perspectives of subjective method are given. The main feature of this method is that all the notions in economic theory and in activity theory are received in a deductive way from activity axiom. The very axiom is based on the phenomenological reduction.

Keywordsphenomenology, praxeology, Austrian economics, methodology, psychology
Publication date17.12.2015
Number of characters630
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