Post-Soviet Statehood and Society. Part 2. Social and Labor Market Policy at the Stage of Post-Soviet Statehood Forming

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Trainee Researcher
Affiliation: Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Development in PostSocialist Countries NRU HSE
Address: Malaya Pionerskaya 12, Moscow, 115054, Russia
Occupation: Tenured Professor, Head Laboratory, Chairman of Editorial Council
Journal “Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology”
Address: Shabolovka 26/4, Moscow, 119049, Russia
Occupation: Trainee Researcher
Affiliation: Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Development in PostSocialist Countries NRU HSE
Address: Malaya Pionerskaya 12, 115054, Moscow, Russia
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 6

The article 2 (article 1 in “OSS and CW” 2017, no. 4) demonstrates factors determined the reforms’ tendencies in the Russian social policy in 1900th, manly in labor market: it’s inertness from soviet policy jointly with influence of social state models realized in the western counties mattered. It’s shown the transition from quasi-market employment relationships at early post-soviet stage to real ones were overburdened by struggle of the governing circles who tried to direct the social policy course in the most beneficial for them variant. During this period the format of social contract, labor market transformation, its competitiveness and dependence from bureaucracy were corrected which rather carried the affirmation of state monopolistic corporate capitalism in the country.

Keywordssocial policy, employment relationships, social contract, post-soviet Russia
Publication date17.12.2017
Number of characters920
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