On November 23, 2017, A Scientific And Practical Round Table Devoted To Legal Regulation Of Energy Markets Was Held Within The Framework Of The Moscow Legal Week In The Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Msal)

Код статьиS231243500021926-6-1
Тип публикации Обзор
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Адрес: Российская Федерация
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 1


Ключевые слова
Дата публикации30.03.2018
Кол-во символов4818
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Viktoriya Romanova, Head of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), editor-in-chief of Energy Law Forum scientific journal, Doctor of Law, made a speech on the Problems and Trends of Legal Groundwork for Gasification; Aleksandr Ananyev, Deputy Director of the Legal Department, on the Problems and Trends of Legal Regulation of Retail Electricity Markets; Irina Pavlova, Head of the Oil and Gas Policy Section of the Energy Department at the Eurasian Economic Commission, on the Trends in Development of Le- gal Groundwork for the Forming Common Markets of Gas, Oil, and Oil Products of the EAEU; Daria Melnik, Expert of the Energy and Nuclear Policy Section of the Energy Department at the Eurasian Economic Commission, on the Formation of the System of Legal Acts Regulating the Common Electric Power Market of the EAEU; Inna Kashlikova, Chief Legal Officer at Trading System Administrator, JSC, Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), on the Problematic Issues and Development Trends of Legal Regulation of the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market; Elena Gavrilina, Assistant Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Candidate of Legal Sciences, on the Market for Disposal and Decommissioning of Oil Field Facilities (Offshore Fixed Platforms, Installations and Structures) on the Continental Shelf of the United Kingdom, the USA, and Norway: Problems of Legal Regulation; Maxim Burtovoy, Assistant Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of the South Ural State University (National Research University), Candidate of Legal Sciences, on the UN Resolutions on Regulation of Relations in the Sphere of Energy; Anna Vasilchenko, Assistant Professor of the Department of Legal Groundwork for Economic Security of the Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Candidate of Legal Sciences, on the Creation of the Single Energy Market of the European Union: Legal Problems and Prospects; Maria Minskaya, Lawyer of Fenice Rus, EDF GROUP (Electricit de France), on the Problems of Le- gal Support of Energy Service in Energy Markets in the Russian Federation; and Vladimir Kamyshansky, Head of the Department of Civil Law of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Doctor of Law, On Social and Legal Mechanisms for Stimulation of Energy Saving in the Foreign Laws. Petr Lakhno, Assistant Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law, the Law Faculty of the Moscow State University, Candidate of Legal Sciences, spoke on the need to continue active work for development of the energy law. 


The following persons participated in the discussion and work of the round table: Sergey Guskov, Director of Non-Profit Partnership Russian Gas Society; Vitaly Mozolev, Deputy Head of Department 613, Gazprom, PJSC, Candidate of Legal Sciences; Aleksey Komarov, Head of the Legal Department of Mosenergo, PJSC; Tigran Avanesyan, Chief Specialist of the Legal Department of Mosenergo, PJSC; Nikita Vanin, Chief Specialist of the Corporate Department of Mosenergo, PJSC; Nadezhda Koropets, Chief Specialist of the Legal Department of Mosenergo, PJSC; Natalya Polyak, Chief Specialist of the Legal Department of Mosenergo, PJSC; Anastasia Fominykh, Chief Specialist of the Legal Department of Mosenergo, PJSC; Aleksandr Arendarchuk, Head of the Energy Supply Division of the Fuel and Power System Management Department for the city of Moscow; Nikita Zhabin, Head of the Directorate of Regulatory Affairs of the Legal Block of Inter RAO, PJSC, Candidate of Legal Sciences; Viktor Borodaev, Expert of the Oil and Gas Policy Section of the Energy Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission; Vyacheslav Gusyakov, Assistant Professor of the Depart- ment of Civil Procedural and Entrepreneurial Law of the Samara University, Candidate of Legal Sciences; Konstantin Korepanov, Lectur- er of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Candidate of Legal Sciences; Vladislav Tubden- ov, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), representatives of energy companies, Rustam Shakerov, Degree-Seeking Student of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Andzhelika Chirishyan, Postgraduate Student of the Civil Law Department of the Kuban State Agrarian University named af- ter I.T. Trubilin; Natalya Kashirina, Specialist of Codex Consortium.

3 Yurist Publishing Group and Codex Consortium acted as the information partners of the event.

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