Legal Aspects of Enforcing the Rights of Gas Pipeline Title Owners When Performing Works on Land Plots Owned by Others

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Category 2 Legal Counsel at Gazprom Transgaz Saratov Limited Liability Company
Affiliation: Gazprom Transgaz Saratov Limited Liability Company
Address: Russian Federation, Saratov
Journal nameEnergy law forum
EditionIssue 2

This article is dedicated to a complex study of the issues of protection of rights of title gas pipeline holders (gas pipeline owners and gas pipeline operating companies) in performance of engineering works on gas transmission network sections located within the boundaries of land plots owned by others. Considering the special nature of a gas transmission network as a source of increased danger and a hazardous industrial facility, the author believes that one of the priority areas of gas pipeline operation is regular diagnostics and maintenance as well as in-process current (emergency) repair performed to avoid any breakdowns of the normal operation mode of the gas transmission network and causing of damage to lives, health and property of third parties. Taking into account these circumstances and the specifics of legal regulation of gas pipeline operation, the author of the article singles out the legal problem that lies in the ambiguity of approaches to the solution of the issue of provision of the title gas pipeline holder with access to the operated section of the gas transmission network if such facility is located within the boundaries of a land plot not owned by the gas pipeline holder. In order to solve this problem, the author performs a systemic analysis of the applicable laws of the Russian Federation and the legislative practice of some foreign countries and singles out three key concepts of provision of access to a gas pipeline located at a land plot owned by another person; such concepts include an opportunity to establish private or public easement and imperative proclamation of the unconditional right of the gas pipeline holder to unrestricted access to any section of the operated gas transmission network irrespective of the ownership of land plots such sites are located at. The author gives a systemic evaluation of each of the mentioned conceptual approaches; based on such evaluation, the author brings forward recommendations for improvement of the applicable laws to comply with the proclaimed principle of ensuring energy security of the Russian Federation.

Keywordsenergy law, legal support of energy security, gas transmission network, main gas pipeline, gas pipeline operation, provision of access, easement
Publication date27.06.2023
Number of characters14728
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1 В условиях непрерывного роста темпов производственного и технического прогресса газовая промышленность закрепила за собой роль одного из важнейших направлений обеспечения устойчивого функционирования и развития народного хозяйства России. При этом геолого-географические особенности российского государства обусловили тот факт, что сложившаяся на территории нашей страны газотранспортная система представляет собой уникальный комплекс, аналогов которого в мире не существует [1].
2 Так, в настоящее время на территории Российской Федерации эксплуатируется свыше 185 тыс км магистральных газопроводов [2], а суммарная протяженность газопроводных сетей с учетом распределительных газопроводов составляет около 1 млн км [3]. При этом каждый из них представляет собой как источник повышенной опасности с гражданско-правовой точки зрения [4] , так и опасный производственный объект – с позиций законодательства о промышленной безопасности [5].
3 Изложенное, в свою очередь, прямо предопределяет тот факт, что приоритетным направлением эксплуатации газопроводных сетей и совершенствования газотранспортной отрасли, а равно и основополагающим стратегическим ориентиром государственной энергетической политики [6] должно служить поддержание высокого уровня безопасности объектов, задействованных в процессе транспортировки природного газа. Прямым подтверждением тому служит законодательно провозглашенный в качестве одной из ключевых основ государственной политики в области газоснабжения в Российской Федерации принцип обеспечения энергетической безопасности Российской Федерации (статья 4 Федерального закона от 31.03.1999 № 69-ФЗ «О газоснабжении в Российской Федерации» (далее – Закон о газоснабжении)) [7].
4 При этом объективным представляется вывод о том, что достижение обозначенного выше уровня энергетической безопасности напрямую связано с организацией лицом, осуществляющим эксплуатацию газотранспортной сети, комплексного производственно-технического механизма поддержания линейной части газопровода, его узлов, оборудования, механизмов и агрегатов в надлежащем, исправном состоянии.
5 Практической реализации указанной задачи способствует проведение владельцем газопровода конкретных мероприятий по предотвращению, выявлению и устранению нарушений нормальных условий эксплуатации газотранспортной сети: начиная от технического диагностирования и обслуживания, обязанность по ведению которых возлагается на эксплуатирующие организации действующими правилами в области промышленной безопасности [8], заканчивая капитальным и текущим (профилактическим и непредвиденным [9]) ремонтом объектов и участков газотранспортной сети [10]. При этом каждый из обозначенных выше видов работ зачастую предполагает необходимость организации непосредственного доступа к нитке газопровода: для внешнего обследования оборудования и участков газопровода, оценки состояния изоляционных покрытий при техническом диагностировании линейной части [11], устранения свищевых повреждений в стенках труб, нарушений изоляционного слоя и т.п. – при проведении ремонтных работ [12]. Таким образом, надлежащее проведение мероприятий по поддержанию работоспособности объектов газотранспортной инфраструктуры представляется практически невозможным без проведения земляных работ по обустройству шурфов.

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3. Novak A.V. Gasification of Regions as a Social Priority // Energy Policy. 2020. No. 11 (153). p. 6.

4. Review of the Judicial Practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 2 (2016) (approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on July 6, 2016) // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 2017. No. 3–4 ; Nenashev M.M. Source of Increased Danger // ConsultantPlus reference legal system. 2023.

5. Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 (as amended on November 4, 2022) On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 1997. No. 30. Art. 3588 ; Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 45. Art. 7672 ; 23.

6. Kurushina V.A., Zemenkov Yu.D. The Role of Oil and Gas Pipeline Transport in Ensuring Energy Security // Oil and Gas of Western Siberia : materials of the international scientific and technical conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. Volume 2. p. 56.

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10. Rules of Operation of Main Gas Pipelines (approved by Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 33 of January 22, 2015 ) // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2015. No. 83 (27959) ; Rules of Operation of Main Gas Pipelines of STO Gazprom 2-3.5-454-2010 (approved and enacted by Order of Gazprom, OJSC, No. 130 of May 24, 2010) // Library of Regulatory Documents of Inter-Regional Quality Center Autonomous Non-Profit Institution [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access : February 12, 2023).

11. Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 517 of December 11, 2020 On Approval of Federal Provisions and Rules in the Industrial Safety Field: Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Main Pipelines (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, No. 61745 on December 23, 2020) // Official Internet Portal of Legal Information [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access : February 12, 2023).

12. Gunkina T.A. Operation of Main Gas Pipelines and Gas Storage Facilities : textbook / Gunkina T.A., Poltavskaya M.D. Stavropol : North Caucasus Federal University, 2015. 206 p. ; Kyazimov K.G. Organization and Operation of the Gas Economy : textbook for primary professional education / K.G. Kyazimov, V.E. Gusev. 5th edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow : Academy publishing center, 2013. P. 173.

13. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1083 of September 8, 2017 (as amended on July 15, 2019) On Approval of the Rules for the Protection of Main Gas Pipelines and on Amendments to the Regulations on Submission of Additional Information Reproduced on Public Cadastral Maps to the Federal Executive Authority (Its Territorial Authorities) Authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to Carry out State Cadastral Registration, State Registration of Rights, Maintenance of the Unified State Register of Real Estate and Provision of information Contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate by Federal Executive Authorities, Government Authorities of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation and Local Self-Government Authorities // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2017. No. 38. Art. 5621 ; Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2019. No. 29 (part 2). Article 4041.

14. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) No. 51-FZ of November 30, 1994 (as amended on April 16, 2022) // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 1994. No. 32. Art. 3301; Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 16. Art. 2601.

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17. Penn State Extension (April, 2010). Natural Gas Pipeline Right-of-Ways: Understanding Landowner Rights and Options. State College, PA : Pennsylvania State University ; Pifer, R., Hall, P.K. (2015). Easement Negotiation 101: Focus on Gas Pipelines and Energy Transmission Lines Second Annual Mid-South Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference April 17, 2015. Memphis, Tennessee.

18. Land Act 1948. New Zealand.

19. Račinska I., Vahtrus S. (2018). The Use of Conservation Easements in the European Union. Report to NABU Federal Association.

20. The Land Code of the Russian Federation No. 136-FZ of October 25, 2001 (as amended on December 5, 2022) // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2001. No. 44. Art. 4147 ; Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 50 (Part 3). Art. 8801 ; Federal Law No. 341-FZ of August 3, 2018 On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Terms of Simplifying the Placement of Linear Objects // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2018. No. 32 (part 2). Art. 5134.

21. Federal Law No. 341-FZ of August 3, 2018 On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Terms of Simplifying the Placement of Linear Objects // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2018. No. 32 (part 2). Art. 5134.

22. Explanatory Note to the Draft Federal Law On Amendments to Some Legal Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Simplification of Construction, Reconstruction, Major Repair and (or) Operation of Linear Facilities (Bill No. 187920-7) // Legislative Activity Support System [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access : February 12, 2023).

23. The Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 442 of June 20, 2003 // Records of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2003. No. 13. Art. 99 ; Resolution of the Akimat of the South Kazakhstan region No. 334 of November 14, 2012 On the Establishment of a Public Easement for the Placement of the C Line of the Kazakhstan-China Main Gas Pipeline // South Kazakhstan. 2012. № 143 ; Pipe-Lines Act 1962. 1962 CHAPTER 58 10 and 11 Eliz 2.

24. Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 773 of September 11, 2020 On the Establishment of a Public Easement for the Use of Land and Land Plots for the Construction and Operation of The Power of Siberia Main Gas Pipeline Federal Gas Supply System Facility. Kovykta–Chayanda Site (Stage 1)” // Official website of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access : February 12, 2023). ; Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 1257 of November 25, 2022 On the Establishment of a Public Easement for the Use of Land and Land Plots for the Construction and Operation of the Expansion of the Unified Gas Supply System to Ensure Gas Supply to the South Stream Gas Pipeline (Eastern Corridor) Linear Gas Supply System Facility of Federal Significance, South European Gas Pipeline. Pochinki–Anapa Site, 661st km–834th km (Linear Part)” // Garant reference legal system [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access : February 12, 2023).

25. Krasnova T.S. Public Easement for the Placement of a Linear Object : commentary on the novelties of the Land Code of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation. 2019. No. 3. p. 124–144.

26. Federal Law No. 342-FZ of August 3, 2018 (as amended on December 30, 2021) On Amendment of the Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation and Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2018. No. 32 (part 2). Art. 5135 ; Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 1 (part 1). Art. 16.

27. Krasnova T.S. Public Easement for the Placement of a Linear Object : commentary on the novelties of the Land Code of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation. 2019. No. 3. p. 137.

28. The Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation No. 195-FZ of December 30, 2001 (as amended on January 27, 2023) // Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2002. No. 1 (Part 1). Art. 1 ; Corpus of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 49. Art. 8759.

Additional sources and materials


1.The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part one) dated 30.11.1994 No. 51-FZ (ed. dated 16.04.2022) // SZ RF. 1994. No. 32. Art. 3301; SZ RF. 2022. No. 16. Art. 2601.

2.Gunkina T.A. Operation of main gas pipelines and gas storage facilities : textbook / Gunkina T.A., Poltavskaya M.D. Stavropol: North Caucasus Federal University, 2015. 206 p.

3.The Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.06.2003 No. 442 // Records of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2003. No. 13. Art. 99.

4.The Land Code of the Russian Federation dated 25.10.2001 No. 136-FZ (ed. dated 05.12.2022) // SZ RF. 2001. No. 44. Art. 4147; SZ RF. 2022. No. 50 (Part III). Art. 8801.

5.The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences dated 30.12.2001 No. 195-FZ (ed. dated 27.01.2023) // Federal Law of the Russian Federation. 2002. No. 1 (Part I). Art. 1; Federal Law of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 49. Art. 8759.

6.Krasnova T.S. Public easement for the placement of a linear object: commentary on the novels of the Land Code of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation. 2019. No. 3. pp. 124-144.

7.Kurushina V.A., Zemenkov Yu.D. The role of oil and gas pipeline transport in ensuring energy security // Oil and gas of Western Siberia: materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. Volume II. pp. 56-58.

8.Kazimov K.G. The device and operation of the gas economy: textbook for the beginning prof. education / K.G. Kazimov, V.E. Gusev. 5th ed., reprint. and additional M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2013. 432 p.

9.Laletina A.S. Easements in the construction of gas pipelines // Law and state: theory and practice. 2011. No. 9. pp. 136-141.

10.Nenashev M.M. Source of increased danger // ConsultantPlus. 2023.

11.Novak A.V. Social priority – gasification of regions // Energy policy. 2020. No. 11 (153). pp. 4-11.

12.Review of judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 2 (2016) (approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation 06.07.2016) // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 2017. №№ 3-4.

13.Review of judicial practice on disputes related to the construction of buildings and structures in pipeline protection zones and within the boundaries of minimum distances to trunk or industrial pipelines (approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 23.06.2021) // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 2021. No. 9.

14.Resolution of the Akimat of the South Kazakhstan region dated 14.11.2012 No. 334 “On the establishment of a public easement for the placement of the line “C” of the Kazakhstan-China main gas pipeline” // South Kazakhstan. 2012. № 143.

15.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1083 dated 08.09.2017 (ed. dated 15.07.2019) “On Approval of the Rules for the Protection of Main Gas Pipelines and on Amendments to the Regulations on Submission to the Federal Executive Authority (its Territorial Bodies) authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to Carry out State Cadastral Registration, State Registration of Rights, Maintenance of the Unified State Register of Real Estate and Provision of information Contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, federal executive authorities, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of additional information reproduced on public cadastral maps” // SZ RF. 2017. No. 38. Art. 5621; SZ RF. 2019. No. 29 (Part II). Article 4041.

16.Explanatory Note to the draft Federal Law “On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding simplification of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and (or) operation of linear facilities” (Bill No. 187920-7) // System of legislative activity support [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023).

17.Rules of operation of main gas pipelines (approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2015 No. 33) // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2015. № 83 (27959).

18.Rules of operation of main gas pipelines of STO Gazprom 2-3.5-454-2010 (approved and put into effect by the Order of OAO Gazprom dated 24.05.2010 No. 130) // Library of normative documentation of ANO MCC [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023).

19.Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 773 dated 11.09.2020 “On the Establishment of a Public Easement for the Use of Land and Land Plots for the Construction and Operation of a Federal Gas Supply System Facility “The Power of Siberia Main Gas Pipeline”. Plot “Kovykta – Chayanda” (stage 1)” // Official website of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023).

20.Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 1257 dated 25.11.2022 “On the Establishment of a Public Easement for the Use of Land and Land Plots for the Construction and Operation of a Linear Gas Supply System Facility of Federal Significance “Expansion of the ESG to Ensure gas supply to the South Stream gas pipeline (Eastern Corridor)” “South European Gas Pipeline. The site “Pochinki – Anapa”, km 661 - km 834 (linear part)” // Garant [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023).

21.Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 517 dated 11.12.2020 “On Approval of Federal Norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities of trunk Pipelines” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 23.12.2020 No. 61745) // Official Internet Portal of Legal Information [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023).

22.Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 531 dated 15.12.2020 “On Approval of Federal Norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 30.12.2020 No. 61962) // Official Internet Portal of Legal Information [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023).

23.Ten E.V., Skvortsov A.A. Industrial safety in the field of gas supply in the Russian Federation // Problems of Science. 2016. No. 2 (3). pp. 25-28.

24.Transport in Russia. 2022 / Federal State Statistics Service. T65 M., 2022. 101 p.

25.Federal Law No. 341-FZ of 03.08.2018 “On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Terms of Simplifying the Placement of linear objects” // SZ RF. 2018. No. 32 (Part II). Art. 5134.

26.Federal Law No. 342-FZ of 03.08.2018 (as amended on 30.12.2021) “On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” // SZ RF. 2018. No. 32 (Part II). Article 5135; SZ RF. 2022. No. 1 (Part I). Art. 16.

27.Federal Law No. 116-FZ of 21.07.1997 (as amended on 04.11.2022) “On Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” // SZ RF. 1997. No. 30. Art. 3588; SZ RF. 2022. No. 45. Art. 7672;

28.Federal Law No. 69-FZ of 31.03.1999 (as amended on 14.07.2022) “On gas supply in the Russian Federation” // SZ RF. 1999. No. 14. Art. 1667; SZ RF. 2022. No. 29 (Part III). Art. 5251.

29.Tsikin A.M. The main elements of the program development of the gas industry in Russia // Economics of construction and environmental management. 2018. No. 3 (68). pp. 96-106.

30.Land Act 1948. New Zealand.

31.Penn State Extension (April, 2010). Natural Gas Pipeline Right-of-Ways: Understanding Landowner Rights and Options. State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University.

32.Pifer, R., Hall, P.K. (2015). Easement Negotiation 101: Focus on Gas Pipelines and Energy Transmission Lines Second Annual Mid-South Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference April 17, 2015. Memphis, Tennessee.

33.Pipe-Lines Act 1962. 1962 CHAPTER 58 10 and 11 Eliz 2.

34.Račinska, I., Vahtrus, S. (2018). The Use of Conservation Easements in the European Union. Report to NABU Federal Association.

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