BRICS: economic potential, New Development Bank and digital currency

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: inancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: inancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

The article considers the main directions of BRICS financial innovations, such as strengthening the role of this intercontinental association bank and the prospects for creating their own currency. Some country characteristics and indicators of the financial sector of Latin America are given. On the basis of statistical analysis, the authors concluded that it is relevant to further study the Latin American sector in the world economy as a potential full member and partner of BRICS. The place of Mercosur in regional cooperation and the role for the BRICS countries in achieving sustainable development goals were also noted. Proposals are given for a strategy to ensure leadership in financial platform solutions through the New Development Bank (NDB) of the BRICS and the digital currency of the Central Bank (CBDC). The article also discusses the characteristic features of the integration of financial products into the digital interfaces of the BRICS NDB.

KeywordsLatin America, BRICS, New Development Bank (NDB) of BRICS, development institutions, Mercosur, Brazil, Argentina, inter-regional trade cooperation, financial technologies, sustainable development
Publication date03.11.2023
Number of characters34925
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