Russia and Ibero-America: in search of new paradigms of international cultural cooperation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 12

The article is devoted to the problem of international cultural cooperation in the modern era, when the process of intercultural contacts has intensified and, along with traditional forms of interaction, it has become necessary to search for new paradigms. The problem is considered on the example of cultural ties between Russia and Ibero-American countries in the context of growing cultural diversity. The article analyzes the phenomenon of dialogue as the main mechanism of intercultural communication that arose at the early stages of human history, as well as the conditions necessary for its successful implementation. A brief description of the Russian cultural policy is given. Special attention is paid to new models of interaction, among which the main place belongs to the «cross years of culture». The important role of cooperation in the context of virtual space, contributing to the expansion and deepening of cultural ties between Russia and the Ibero-American states, is emphasized.

Keywordscultural cooperation, cultural diversity, dialogue of cultures, cross-years, virtualization of culture
Keywords list (other)
Publication date09.12.2022
Number of characters19233
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