Russia and Argentina: successes and difficulties of cooperation in challenging conditions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 12

The paper analyzes the current state of Russian-Argentine relations. The author considers the main lines of cooperation and trends of recent years and assesses the impact of the international crisis that began in 2022 on bilateral relations. Special attention is paid to the joint efforts of the two countries in the fight against Covid-19.

In recent years Russian-Argentine ties faced certain challenges. The risks associated with the need for Buenos Aires to conclude an agreement with the IMF, as well as the negative effects of the pandemic, did not lead to the negative dynamics of bilateral relations. On the contrary, cooperation strengthened and incorporated new areas of interaction, including healthcare. However, after the start of the special military operation of the Russian Federation the logistical and financial difficulties caused by the sanctions of the West had a negative impact on the Russian-Argentine cooperation and led to the suspension of individual projects.

KeywordsRussia, Argentina, Russian-Argentine relations, comprehensive strategic partnership, vaccine diplomacy of the Russian Federation
Publication date09.12.2022
Number of characters29572
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