The USSR and the Chilean Revolution: to help and how? Issues of economic interaction during the period of Unidad Popular (1970—1973)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

The dramatic experience of the "Chilean path to socialism" half a century ago raised a lot of questions about the fate of the left, socialist project in a modern, pluralistic society, about the combination of national and international factors in the fate of the revolution. This work is devoted to the policy of the USSR in relation to the Chilean revolution in the economic sphere. On the basis of documents from the archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU, it is proposed to analyze the Soviet policy of helping Chile, the process of negotiations between both countries, decision-making and their motives. The work is limited to issues of economic cooperation, which, in the course of the development of the crisis in Chile, have become key to the survival of the Unidad Popular government. Insuperable for greater dynamism of economic relations between the USSR and Chile were not only objective circumstances, vast distances and limited resources, but also the political failure of the government of Popular Unity, which turned out to be incapable of either formulating long-term tasks for the development of international cooperation or putting into practice the agreements reached with the USSR. The Soviet side was not ready for full-scale integration and assistance to Chile, plunging the process into a viscous mire of bureaucracy and the usual illusory. This is a story of bilateral failure, for which both sides are to blame.

KeywordsUnidad Popular, Chile, Allende, USSR, economic aid, revolution
Publication date07.10.2022
Number of characters35717
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