The Socialist Revolution in Yucatán and the resolution of the agrarian issue the 1910s and 1920s

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian State University of Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 7

One of the central themes of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) was an agrarian question. The request for the restitution of land and the return of ground parcel to the indigenous peasants reflected ideas of social justice. The state of Yucatan, located on the self-tilted peninsula in southeastern Mexico, was a region characterized by the presence of enormous plantations and the difficult working conditions of the indigenous population. However, in Yucatan, social tensions did not turn into the revolutionary movement, and revolutionary ideas were introduced from outside, since coming to power of Salvador Alvarado. This article will consider the main directions of the agrarian policy of the revolutionary governments in Yucatan, primarily reflected in the legislative work of the governors of Salvador Alvarado (1915-1917) and Felipe Carrillo Puerto (1922-1924), as well as the reaction of indigenous population to this policy. As a result of research, has been demonstrated that the agrarian policy of the 20s. generally did not affect the economic structure of Yucatan. Henequen plantations did not fall into the category of land for redistribution, the land-owners retained their economic and political influence, and the production of henequen until the end of the 20s continued to be the main economic activity for most of the rural population.

KeywordsMexican Revolution, agrarian reform, indigenous population of Yucatan, hacienda
Publication date27.07.2022
Number of characters36506
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