“The Latin American Spring – 2019”. Crisis of the Neoliberal Model of Development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Russian Ambassador to Nicaragua and concurrently in El Salvador and Honduras
Affiliation: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 6

The article deals with the reasons, peculiarities and consequences of socio-political protests in a number of Latin American countries in the end of 2019 that reflects system faults in neoliberal politics of right-wing governments. The author proves the inconsistency of western insinuations about mythical “Russian trail” in these events, points out their negative impact on the regional integration processes and concludes that there is an emerging tendency towards gradual rejection of extreme manifestations of neoliberal and social development models in favor of more moderate and balanced concepts with the growth of populist sentiments. The current turbulence in the region is considered not only as a Latin American phenomenon but also as a reflection of worldwide processes of political and economic instability resulting from the increased competition between the main tendencies of modern development and the escalating conflict between them.

KeywordsLatin America, Russia, USA, neoliberal, Bolivarian, protests, crisis
Publication date21.05.2020
Number of characters26518
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