Jose Marti: the “Molder” of the Cuban Revolution

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 5

The article analyzes the influence of the ideas of the outstanding Cuban philosopher, poet and hero of the War of Independence from Spain at the end of the XIX century Jose Marti on the political thought of modern Cuba. His views lie at the center of the revolutionary concept put forward by the socialists led by Fidel Castro. In his works, J. Marti formulated moral imperatives, which, in his opinion, should guide the Cuban people to achieve and strengthen national sovereignty. The Cuban government systematically addressed the philosopher’s works, reinforcing them with their domestic and foreign policy decisions. Statements by J. Marti became winged. His legacy has been well studied by Cuban scholars, and many scientific works have been devoted to his life and work, political and ethical ideals. However, little attention is paid to the personality of J. Marti in the political literature about Cuba.

Keywords Cuba, Jose Marti, USA, Latin America, anti-imperialism, socialism, War of Independence, Fidel Castro
Publication date07.05.2020
Number of characters28713
100 rub.
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