Latin Americans in Spain ten years after the migration boom

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

The turn of the 20th–21st centuries marked a climax for the cross-border migration model in Spain. The migration boom had lasted for several years, 2007 being a peak. Latin Americans had become the main driver of the growth. But this mass wave was not opposed by Spanish society. Common language and religion, cultural proximity contributed to the integration of immigrants. The paper treats the features of modern Latin American communities formation in Spain, their history and basic social characteristics. Groups of Ecuadorian, Argentinean and Venezuelan descent are taken as an example. They represent different migration and integration models. Migration from Venezuela is seen in the context of the current crisis-driven changes in that Latin American country. Despite significant differences, the current stage of migration from Latin American states to Spain highlights the increasing intensity of the economic migration driver. The post-crisis and migration post-boom decade showed different migration motives and mechanisms of integration among the descendants of Spanish migrants of Atlantic coast South American countries as well as Andean countries migrant workers.

KeywordsSpain, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, migration, integration, transatlantic migration
Publication date26.09.2019
Number of characters39104
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