Nadezhda Shvedova

Ph.D. of Political Sciences

Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences



By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
2018 Midterm Elections in the USA through the Prism of the Presidential Race 2020: Gender Factor (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Solution of U.S. Healthcare Problems Postponed until 2020 Presidential Elections (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
"Trampcare" vs "Obamacare": the first round? (Russia and America in XXI century) -
The Trump Administration’s Healthcare Policy and Gender (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Gender Equality and the UN: Anniversary Facets (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
The american women in the labor market in the modern USA (Russia and America in XXI century) -
The 2014 midterm elections in the USA: a gender perspective (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Gender political culture: the new trends (Russia and America in XXI century) -
"Obamacare" and the american women (health care reform in the United States) (Russia and America in XXI century) -
The 2014 midterm elections in the USA: a gender perspective (Russia and America in XXI century) -
COVID 2019 in the Context of the Presidential Race in the USA (Russia and America in XXI century) -
On the presidential campaign of 2016 in the United States: the gender dimension (Russia and America in XXI century) -
100 Days of Administration J. Baiden: Promises and Reality (Russia and America in XXI century) -
J. Biden's Administration: The First Steps (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
The first lady institute - a political resource in a democratic society (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Health Care in the United States and COVID-19: the Fight Continues (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
Gender Roles in the US: the Burden of the Coronavirus Pandemic (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
2022 U.S. Middle Elections on the Threshold: a Gender Perspective (Russia and America in XXI century) -
The U.S. Family Today: "They Made a Choice for Us" (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
Reproductive Rights in the USA in the Context of the Mid-Term Election (Russia and America in XXI century) -
The U.S. Healthcare: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
The US Congress 118th: a Gender Portrait (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Presidential race - 2024: a portrait in a family interior (Russia and America in XXI century) -
The Unusual Midterm Elections: Results and Trends (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
Nursing in the USA after the pandemic: episodes of change (Russia and America in XXI century) -