Legal proverbs and sayings as a form of legal consciousness

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 11

Legal proverbs and sayings for centuries store in themselves thoughts and emotions of people that turns them into a special and invaluable form of individual, group and public sense of justice. The understanding of the sense of justice put in national sayings demands accurate differentiation of its historical and modern aspects. All ancient proverbs and sayings represent live chips of sense of justice of the past time. But their use in modern life connects views and moods of the people living nowadays with sense of justice of former generations of the people, provide continuity in development of its political-right culture and the main values. 

Keywordslegal paremiologiya, legal consciousness, legal proverbs and sayings
Publication date11.12.2018
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