Protection of internal national security by criminal legal means

Publication type Article
Status Approved
Affiliation: Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation,
Affiliation: Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation,
Abstract Ensuring the internal national security of the country as the basis of the existence of the state is the most important task of the authorities. Ethnic organized crime, which is formed as a result of uncontrolled migration flows to the Russian Federation of citizens from the countries of Central Asia, is the cause of destabilization of intra-social processes. The authors substantiate the directions of the state's criminal policy in the field of illegal migration, including a set of measures of a public legal nature, as well as the development of additional mechanisms for the effective application of criminal legal means in this area.      
Keywordsnational interests, national security, internal national security, illegal migration, termination of citizenship, ethnic crime
Number of characters20267
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