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1. Alekseev S.S. The structure of Soviet law. M., 1975. P. 119, 149 (in Russ.).
2. Civil procedure: textbook / ed. V.V. Yarkov. M., 2017 (in Russ.).
3. Zelentsov A.B., Yastrebov O.A. Judicial Administrative Law. M., 2017 (in Russ.).
4. Mikhailova E.V. Parties in civil proceedings of the Russian Federation: textbook. Samara, 2005. P. 5 (in Russ.).
5. Reshetnikova I.V. Reflecting on judicial proceedings: selected. M., 2019. P. 159 (in Russ.).
6. Smagina E.S. State participation in the modern civil procedure. M., 2021 (in Russ.).
7. Participation of a lawyer in the civil procedure: studies handbook for undergraduates / ed. by N.A. Chudinovskaya. M., 2020 (in Russ.).
8. Sherstyuk V.M. Theoretical problems of the development of Civil Procedural, Arbitration Procedural Law and enforcement proceedings in the Russian Federation. M., 2021. P. 69, 170 (in Russ.).