The conceptual apparatus of Environmental Law in the works of O.I. Krassov (To the anniversary of the scientist)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of Environmental and Land Law of the Law Faculty
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 12

The article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor O.I. Krassov. The creative heritage of the scientist is significant in volume and versatile in content. In this case, the choice was made on those works by O.I. Krassov, which include an analysis of the basic concepts of Environmental Law and their definitions, including the actual concept “environmental law”. The purpose of the work is to identify the scientist’s views on the widely used conceptual apparatus of Environmental Law and to study his arguments and justifications. Clear language, argumentation, the use of broad knowledge of legal material and scientific literature have made the professor’s conclusions regarding the definitions of basic legal concepts are relevant, valuable for a wide range of researchers.

KeywordsEnvironmental Law, environment, favorable environment, use of natural resources, land, forest, wildlife, wildlife object, soil
Publication date22.12.2022
Number of characters21880
100 rub.
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