Binary singularity of the causes of individual criminal behavior

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Center for Legal Research
Address: Azerbaijan, Baku
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 1

The article examines the causes of crime, analyzes the existing views on this problem. Various human vices and their influence on the formation of criminal motivation are investigated on the basis of modern achievements in the field of physiology, biology, genetics. A hypothesis has been put forward, according to which crime is not generated by social contradictions. According to the author, the causes of crime are not because of this world, they nest within the person himself in the form of a need, and the crime he commits is nothing more than a genetically determined objectified behavioral act of a destructive-volitional nature, based in the genotype of homo sapiens in alert a state that is activated by coupling with certain external factors of natural, technogenic or social properties, taking advantage of which, he satisfies his need, which has not previously been possible to realize in a legal way. On the basis of this hypothesis, the doctrine “Binary basis of the causes of crime” was developed, which is fundamentally different from both anthropological and biosocial, and sociological, chromosomal and other existing theories of the causes of crime

Keywordscrime, genetic background, social construct, biological, anthropological, sociological factors, heredity, genome, needs, congenital defects, genotype, social environment
Publication date17.03.2022
Number of characters57164
100 rub.
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