Past and present of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: formation and change of parameters of its constitutional and legal model

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of public law of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Affiliation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of Kutafin Moscow state Law University (MSLA); Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the National Research Tomsk state University
Kutafin Moscow state Law University (MSLA)
National Research Tomsk state University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 12

The article is devoted to the evolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation over 30 years. It is shown how pre-revolutionary ideas about a state body capable of protecting the Basic Law were formed, the attitude towards it in the USSR – from complete denial to recognition of the permissibility of its embedding under certain conditions in the system of Soviet power. The approaches related to the establishment and creation of the initial legislative foundations of the Constitutional Court in perestroika Russia, oriented to the European model of constitutional justice, are considered. The prerequisites, content and process of transformation of the key elements of this model in the post-crisis period (1993 - 1994), their subsequent changes (2001 - 2018) and radical renewal as a result of the constitutional reform of 2020 are analyzed.

KeywordsRussia, constitutional control body, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, model of constitutional justice, modification and modernization of attributive characteristics of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
AcknowledgmentWhen writing the article, the regulatory framework of the legal reference system “ConsultantPlus” was used.
Publication date21.12.2021
Number of characters103600
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