Proceeding on Cases with the Participation of Foreign Persons in International Procedure Law of Russia and Belarus (The end)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Foreign Member, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine; Corresponding Member, International Academy of Comparative Law; John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law and International Affairs, Dickins
Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University
Address: United States, University Park
Occupation: Head of the Department of General and Interbranch Legal Disciplines, Faculty of Law, National Research University “The Higher School of Economics”
Affiliation: National Research University “The Higher School of Economics”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIsuue 11

This article is dedicated to one of the most interesting aspects of International Procedural Law – litigation with the participation of foreign persons. Authors focused on a comparative analysis of Russian and Belarus legislation concerning the regulation of international procedural relations. Article includes two parts: the first one considers international jurisdiction of Russian arbitrazh courts and Belarus economic courts on commercial matters; the second one examines the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in commercial matters on the territory of Russia and Belarus. Authors deeply scrutinized a wide range of legal documents including domestic legislation, bilateral and multilateral international treaties of regional character in order to show the convergences and divergences in Russian and Belarus procedural law concerning participation of foreign persons in international commercial litigation

KeywordsInternational Procedural Law, International Civil Procedure, international judicial jurisdiction, foreign persons, international commercial disputes
AcknowledgmentThis article is prepared with the support of legal information and reference system “ConsultantPlus”. All international treaties of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts and judicial practice are cited in accordance with “ConsultantPlus”.
Publication date03.12.2021
Number of characters60630
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