Space state: the beginning of new era in the evolution of statehood

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of research projects on legal policy, constitutional legislation and public administration of M. Narikbaev KAZGUU University
Affiliation: M. Narikbaev KAZGUU University
Address: Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 8

The article substantiates that the evolution of earthly statehood naturally leads to its transformation into a cosmic statehood and opens a new era in the development of the state. The utopian nature of political theories in the history of thought is marked both by the completion of the evolution of the state with its global earthly forms, and by the abolition or withering away of the state, as well as the importance of spatial characteristics for understanding the general evolution of statehood. The article contains the beginning of a new, more powerful wave of space activity where all states participate. The reasons for the formation and features of a space state (spatial, institutional, functional, legal, scientific and technical), its possible varieties are highlighted, the possibility of different forms is noted. The purely earthly history of the modern state is coming to the end and the state will further develop as a cosmic phenomenon

Keywordsstate, evolution, the future of the state, space state, spatial characteristics of the state, reasons for the formation of a space state, space economy, space forces, features of a space state, options of a space state
Publication date14.09.2021
Number of characters51439
100 rub.
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