Criminological characteristics of the personality of a criminal who commits crimes against the foundations of the political system

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law
Affiliation: Astrakhan state University
Address: Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 10

The article examines the identity of a criminal who commits crimes against the foundations of the political system. The main difference between this type of person and all other social types is that this person is a threat not only to society, but also to the foundations of statehood. The threat is the possibility of harming the foundations of the state's political system. This article examines the relationship between crimes against the constitutional order with the crimes encroaching on bases of the political system. The author comes to the conclusion that the personality of a criminal who commits crimes against the foundations of the political system is an individual who belongs to a particularly dangerous type of self - asserting self-serving criminal with stable criminal behavior, which is characterized by an individualistic attitude to social values and maladaptive behavior with signs of alienation of the individual. On the basis of researches of features of this type of offender, the author proposes to develop as part of preventive activities strategy for combating the crimes against the political system that will identify existing deficiencies in the political system.

Keywordscriminal personality, state power, political system, crime prevention, preventive work, criminalization of public life, political corruption, re-socialization of the individual
Publication date16.11.2020
Number of characters33559
100 rub.
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