Frameworks for the legislative regulation of charities and their taxation in the contemporary world

Код статьиS102694520010650-6-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Аффилиация: Институт международного права и экономики им. А.С. Грибоедова
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаГосударство и право
ВыпускНомер 7

The article is devoted to a comparative study of the legal regulation of charitable organizations and their taxation in such countries as the United States, Russia, China, Brazil, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Denmark and other countries. The article examines the legislation adopted both at the level of the national government and at the regional level. The problems of coordination of legislation at different levels in the sphere of charity regulation and related taxation, the constitutional basis for taxation of charitable organizations, and non-mandatory rules and recommendations as a substitute for legislation are in the focus of the present study.

Ключевые словаlegislative regulation of charity, taxation of charities, taxation of non-profits, national and regional legislation, non-mandatory norms, recommendations as substitute for legislation
Дата публикации07.08.2020
Кол-во символов27708
100 руб.
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