Legal regulation and registration of charities: a comparative study

Код статьиS013207690008686-6-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Аффилиация: Институт международного права и экономики им. А.С. Грибоедова
Адрес: Российская Федерация,
Название журналаГосударство и право
ВыпускНомер 3

The present article is dedicated to a comparative study of main practical and theoretical problems of charities legal regulation (including its definition, taxation, tax exempts, charity status recognition, etc.). The study is based mainly on legislation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russian Federation, United States of America, People’s Republic of China, Ethiopia, Turkmenistan, but also certain legal acts of Australia, Kuwait, Poland, Finland, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, India, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Canada, Hungary, Romania, Jordan, etc. in some aspects are addressed.

Ключевые словаcharity, charitable activity, charitable organization, legislation on charities in various countries, taxation and charities, tax exempts, not-for-profit organization, non-governmental organization, charities registration, charities funding, regulation of charities
Дата публикации31.03.2020
Кол-во символов62102
100 руб.
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1. Hopkins B.R. Charity, Advocacy and Law. NY, 1992. P. 7.

2. Simon K.W. The Regulation of Civil Society Organizations in China // International Journal of Civil Society Law. 2011. Vol. IX. Issue I. P. 55 - 84.

3. The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations / ed. D.H. Smith, R.A. Stebbins, J. Grotz. Vol. 1 (part on History of Associations and Volunteering). NY, 2016. P. 23 - 45.

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