The Constitution of the Russian Federation – the legal basis the integration of Russian society

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 12

The article analyzes the role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the creation and maintenance of the constitutional and legal basis for the integration of Russian society. The role of the Constitution as the most important factor in ensuring the socio-political stability and integrity of the Russian state during the country's transition from socialism to democratic and legal development, as well as its enormous importance for the present and future of Russia. In contrast to the constantly sounding proposals for fundamental constitutional reform, the necessity and possibility of developing the great legal potential laid down in the constitutional text is justified. The author focuses on the problems that create the greatest social tension, as well as legal ways to remove this tension related to the protection of social rights of citizens, overcoming corruption, strengthening the constitutional and legal identity of Russians, the development of legal awareness of both the General population and the ruling elite.

Keywordslaw, Constitution, justice, public consent, social rights, corruption, constitutional identity, legal consciousness
Publication date22.12.2018
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