System of legal liability as object of scientific research

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Irkutsk institute of law (branch), Academy of the General prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 10

The article is presents to the study of the system of legal liability as an independent legal category and object of scientific research. The scientific approaches (species, normative, instrumental and integrative), as well as levels of cognition (content, structural and self-system) of the system of legalliability are disclosed, and its subsystems (normative, procedural and organizational) are named and characterized. In describing the process of development of legal liability, the stages of legal regulation take into account its basic incarnations (in an objective and subjective sense), systemic properties and grounds for occurrence. The problems, prospects and possible ways of further studying the system of legal liability with references to doctrinal and official sources are indicated.

Keywordssystem of legal liability, scientific approaches, legal practice, levels of cognition, subsystems of legal liability, legal liability in an objective sense, subjective legal liability, basis of liability, stage of development of legal liability
Publication date14.11.2018
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