Ideas as Infections: Introduction to the Problematics of Cognitive Metaparasitism

Название публикации (др.)Идеи как инфекции: введение в проблематику когнитивного метапаразитизма
Код статьиS0028991-0-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Аффилиация: ГАУГН, РУДН
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Аффилиация: ГАУГН, МГИМО
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Аффилиация: МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Аффилиация: Институт космических исследований Земли, Сколково
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаЭпистема

The article deals with the concept of metaparasite in the cultural and communicative sphere. Relying on the memetic theory of R. Dawkins and the cognitive framework proposed by K. Anokhin, the authors explore the dynamics of metaparasitism and the ability of the metaparasite to change its environment beyond the original context. The article also considers the challenges that have emerged in the post-truth era, embodied in such phenomena as fake news, etc., and emphasizes the need to find effective responses to threats to psychological and sociocultural security. The article formulates a set of communicative techniques aimed at ensuring safety for both the communicator and the recipient, and presents the feedback system as a key component of any rational system. Based on the results of the study, the authors propose a strategy aimed at protecting society against the harmful effects of metaparasites.

Аннотация (др.)

В статье рассматривается концепт метапаразита в культурно-коммуникационной сфере. Опираясь на меметическую теорию Р. Докинза и когнитивные рамки, предложенные К. Анохиным, авторы исследуют динамику метапаразитизма и способность метапаразита менять среду обитания, выходя за рамки оригинального контекста. В статье также рассматриваются вызовы, которые появились в эпоху постправды, и воплощающиеся в таких явлениях, как фальшивые новости и др., и подчеркивается необходимость поиска эффективных ответов на угрозы психологической и социокультурной безопасности. В статье сформулирован набор коммуникативных техник, направленных на обеспечение безопасности как для коммуникатора, так и для реципиента, представлена система обратной связи как ключевой компонент любой рациональной системы. По результатам проведенного исследования авторы предлагают стратегию, направленную на защиту общества против пагубного воздействия метапаразитов.

Ключевые словаmetaparasite, communication, metaverse, actor-network theory, cognitive impact, horizontal transfer, memetics, Richard Dawkins, Konstantin Anokhin, post-truth, fake news, international security, trust
Ключевые слова (др.)метапаразит, коммуникация, метавселенная, акторно-сетевая теория, когнитивное воздействие, горизонтальный перенос, меметика, Ричард Докинз, Константин Анохин, постправда, фальшивые новости, международная безопасность, доверие
Дата публикации30.11.2023
Кол-во символов27250
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2 In the space of human thought and in the communication field, ideas roam the landscapes of our collective consciousness, often with a speed and energy that can rival the characteristics of the most tenacious biological parasites. The phenomenon known as metaparasitism is an interesting topic for philosophical investigation, especially in the context of contemporary society, where digital media have catalyzed the dissemination of information to unprecedented levels. The concept of metaparasitism allows us to explore metaphorical parallels between biological parasitism and the transmission of ideas, ideologies and information in the socio-cultural spheres of humanity.
3 In biological terms, a metaparasite (hyperparasite) is a parasite whose host, often an insect, is also a parasite. That is, a metaparasite parasitizes another parasite, creating a hierarchical level of parasitism within the host [16].
4 Metaparasitism in the socio-humanitarian sense essentially refers to how certain ideas or narratives can "infect" individuals and communities, spreading and multiplying like a parasite in a host organism. These ideas cling to the substrates of our consciousness, using our cognitive resources to survive and thrive. In the digital age, the virulence of such metaparasites is enhanced by the interconnectedness of global networks, where information spreads rapidly and mutates with ease, often outpacing a person's ability to critically assess its veracity or the intent of its sender.
5 The relevance of metaparasitism in modern society cannot be overemphasized. As we are living through an era marked by "post-truth" (some even call modernity as the era of post-truth) and "alternative facts", understanding the mechanisms of how metaparasites develop becomes crucial for preserving epistemic integrity and/or ensuring epistemic security [15]. The digital landscape has become a fertile ground for metaparasites that can influence public opinion, shape political agendas, and even destabilize the foundations of what we consider knowledge.
6 The authors of the study pursued several goals. First, to try to create a reliable theoretical basis for justifying the concept of metaparasitism, relying on an interdisciplinary approach. Second, to demonstrate the impact of metaparasitic tendencies on contemporary thought by examining a number of contemporary phenomena, such as ethical challenges to society and the need for epistemic security. Third, to propose strategies for immunizing collective consciousness from the harmful influence of harmful metaparasites that seem relevant.
7 Within the framework of the study, the authors present a variety of manifestations of metaparasitism, from the spread of conspiracy theories to ideological constructs in the contemporary world shaped by digital platforms. The work draws on actor-network theory in an attempt to visualize the dynamics of metaparasitic proliferation.
8 Attempting to interpret ideas as infections is not just an academic exercise; this work can have important practical implications. By recognizing the patterns and pathways of metaparasites, one may be better prepared to distinguish truth from falsehood, to promote a more informed and sustainable public discourse, and to effectively protect the integrity of the collective cognitive environment.
9 This study was born in the contours of the debate about the nature of the ideas we keep in our minds, how they shape the reality we perceive and construct; whether humans are just a vessel for metaparasites or have the ability to influence and affect their evolution. The authors believe that the attempt to answer these questions and the work presented can be useful for discussing the future of the individual and society.

Theoretical basis

11 The theoretical framework of our study of metaparasitism aims to connect the theories of information and the philosophical foundation on which our concept of metaparasitism is based. In this section, we review the existing literature on these issues and present the philosophical dimensions that can give depth to the concept of metaparasitism. Below, we present a review of the existing literature on information theory, which can be useful for reflexing the concept of metaparasitism. The information theory, developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, is a mathematical model of communication that is fundamental to understanding information transfer [3]. However, as noted in the works of A.V. Sheludyakov and other authors, the Shannon-Weaver model considers primarily the technical aspects of signal transmission and decoding, leaving the semantic evaluation of information outside its purview [12]. This limitation becomes especially noticeable when considering the phenomenon of metaparasitism, when the semantic content of information is of paramount importance.
12 The literature that can be related or seem close to understanding the concept of metaparasitism is not as extensive as that on information theory. However, the body of work in close or parallel topics is increasing as a response to the challenges posed by the digital age. In particular, the phenomenon of metaparasite has been studied by O.N. Gurov in a number of contexts, including the problems of spreading misinformation, as well as infodemia during the coronacrisis [5]. Richard Dawkins' work on memes, as well as K.V. Anokhin's study of the "Cognitome" are valuable sources that provide a biological and cognitive basis for understanding how ideas reproduce and spread in human culture, similar to the behavior of genes in biological systems [6].

всего просмотров: 223

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