Korea: 70 years of split

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Dr.Sc. (Economics), Chief Research Fellow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 11

In 2018 the Korean peninsula has attracted increased attention of the world community due to the events of historical significance, primarily for the Korean people. Three summits of the leaders of the two Korean states and one of the heads of state of the United States and the DPRK made a remarkable change in assessing the political and economic situation in the Asia-Pacific region from anxious and threatening security to optimistic, detente. Unexpectedly, the rapid warming of relations between the two Korean states and the prospects for their further possible rapprochement and unification encourage us to turn to the past, especially since there is a worthy reason for this - 70 years anniversary of the North and South Korea. In 2018, South Korea (ROK August 15, 1948) and North (the DPRK on September 9, 1948) celebrated the 70-th anniversary of establishment of their States. During this long period, both States were involved not only in the military-political confrontation on the logic of the «Cold war», but also in the competition of their socio-economic systems. As a result, today the Korean Peninsula is of great interest for the study of the longest historical experiment, the essence of which is to demonstrate to the world the positive and negative results of the command-administrative and market systems, based on the example of one separately developing nation. The paper analyses the reasons of the successful development of South Korea economy and reveals the main obstacles to the economic achievements in North Korea. The article examines the declared goals of the potential cooperation of two countries. The study compares them with Moscow’s interests and opportunities to expand economic cooperation. 

KeywordsDPRK, Republic of Korea, import substitution, export orientation, Russia, economic cooperation
Publication date05.12.2018
Number of characters479
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