Japan in the Settelment of the Situation on the Korean Peninsula

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation:  Assistant Professor, Japanese Language Department, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow City University
Affiliation: Moscow City University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 12

The article examines the role of Japan in the settlement of the situation on the Korean peninsula. The serious aggravation of relations between the United States and the DPRK in 2017 unexpectedly ended with the first ever US-North Korean summit in Singapore. The results of the summit are assessed ambiguously, but the very fact of direct contact between the leaders of the United States and the DPRK contributed to strengthening confidence between countries and easing tensions on the Korean peninsula. Remarkably, the change in rhetoric of Tokyo, which traditionally adheres to a rigid line with regard to the DPRK and considers maximum pressure the only way to achieve a result in relations with the North Korean regime. The question of the destruction of DPRK medium and short-range missiles that can hit targets on the territory of the country is of exceptional importance for Japan’s national security. The rapid development of the situation, the unpredictable policy of US President D.Trump aroused Tokyo’s fears that Washington could make a deal with the DPRK, allowing to preserve medium-range missiles in exchange for refusing to develop long-range ballistic missiles. In such circumstances, it would be very reckless to rely only on promises from its overseas ally. Therefore, on the eve of the meeting in Singapore, Prime Minister S.Abe expressed his desire to hold a summit meeting between Japan and the DPRK. The problem of normalization of relations with the DPRK will allow S.Abe not only to remove the threat to the national security of Japan, but also to strengthen the internal political positions, shaken in connection with corruption.

KeywordsJapan, DPRK, Republic of Korea, USA, Korean Peninsula, nuclear problem, security
Publication date20.12.2018
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1. Moschnee, chem bomba, sbroshennaya na Nagasaki: KNDR provela shestoe yadernoe ispytanie. (More powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki: North Korea held the sixth nuclear test) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnayapanorama/4528055 (accessed 10.08.2018)

2. Yaponiya rasshirila sanktsii protiv KNDR, vklyuchiv v nikh kitajskie kompanii. (Japan expanded sanctions against the DPRK, including Chinese companies) (In Russ.) - https://ria.ru/world/20170728/1499311141.html (accessed 10.08.2018)

3. Cabinet decisions: two land-based batteries will cover almost all of the country (In Japan.) - https://mainichi.jp/articles/20171219/k00/00e/010/209000c (accessed 10.08.2018)

4. Yaponskij prem'er podderzhal Trampa v dopustimosti vojny s Severnoj Koreej. (Japanese Prime Minister supports Trump in admissibility of war with North Korea) (In Russ.) - https://www.rbc.ru/politics/06/11/2017/5a0001389a79470d820d4c18 (accessed 10.08.2018)

5. Mangyongbong-92: it is necessary to beware of Russia, which undermines international unity «against the North» (In Japan.) - http://www.sankei.com/column/news/170423/clm1704230003-n1.html (accessed 10.08.2018)

6. Sovmestnoe zayavlenie Ministerstva inostrannykh del Rossijskoj Federatsii i Ministerstva inostrannykh del Kitajskoj Narodnoj Respubliki po problemam Korejskogo poluostrova. (Joint statement by the Russian and Chinese foreign ministries on the Korean Peninsula’s problems) (In Russ.) - http://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/2807662 (accessed 10.08.2018)

7. Sovbez OON v tretij raz za god uzhestochil sanktsii protiv Pkhen'yana. (The UN Security Council tightened sanctions for Pyongyang for the third time in a year) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/4837277 (accessed 10.08.2018)

8. Kim Chen Yn vyskazalsya za uluchshenie otnoshenij KNDR s Yuzhnoj Koreej. (Kim Jong-Yin spoke in favor of improving relations between the DPRK and South Korea) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/2568677 (accessed 10.08.2018)

9. Korejskoe zamirenie - nadolgo li? (The Korean pacification - for how long?) (In Russ.) - http://russiancouncil.ru/analytics-and-comments/analytics/koreyskoe-zamirenie-nadolgo-li/ (accessed 10.08.2018)

10. Yuzhnaya Koreya i KNDR prekraschayut lyubye vrazhdebnye dejstviya v otnoshenii drug druga. (South Korea and the DPRK stop any hostile actions against each other) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/5163598 (accessed 10.08.2018)

11. North Korea summit of the heads of state of Japan and the DPRK may take place in early June (In Japan.) - https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASL3X4VPQL3XUHBI028.html (accessed 10.08.2018)

12. Prime Minister’s position on North Korea: «inter-Korean dialogue for the sake of dialogue does not make sense» (In Japan.) - https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASL1V33S8L1VUTFK002.html (accessed 10.08.2018)

13. Yaponiya predlozhila KNDR provesti vstrechu na vysshem urovne. (Japan invited the DPRK to hold a summit meeting) (In Russ.) - https://test.riafan.ru/1040984-yaponiya-predlozhila-kndr-provesti-vstrechu-na-vysshem-urovne (accessed 10.08.2018)

14. President of South Korea told the Prime Minister about his intention to raise the abduction problem at the inter-Korean talks (In Japan.) - https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO29782740U8A420C1MM8000/ (accessed 10.08.2018)

15. Prime Minister expressed his desire for Japan-DPRK Summit and Mr. Trump «raising the abduction problem» (In Japan.) - https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO31530130Y8A600C1MM0000/ (accessed 10.08.2018)

16. Itogi sammita SShA i KNDR - vazhnyj shag k denuklearizatsii, zayavili v Kitae. (The results of the US-DPRK summit are an important step towards denuclearization, China said) (In Russ.) - https://ria.ru/world/20180612/1522565145.html (accessed 10.08.2018)

17. Pravitel'stvo Yaponii schitaet, chto problemu denuklearizatsii KNDR ne reshit' za odin sammit. (The government of Japan believes that the problem of denuclearization of the DPRK cannot be solved for one summit) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/5285983 (accessed 10.08.2018)

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