Eximbank of China and “green investments” in Africa during the 13th five year plan

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Science
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

This article touches upon the Export-Import Bank of China “green investment” in Africa in the 13th Five-year plan (2016-2020). During this period China has been continued to develop trade relations with African countries, gradually increasing a volume of direct investments in Africa, where there are a growing number of “green” projects. The author precisely examines how Eximbank of China takes part in projects regarding to pollution prevention and restorage of an environment, a use of alternative energy sources etc. and provides perspectives of future development.


The author analyzes the reasons for such activities which existing because of strategic and economics benefits for China and Africa. Integration in this direction receive an intense development not least because a government wiliness from both sides. African authorities support a process due to improvement of environmental situation and infrastructure, adoption of new technologies and use of new energy sources, receiving experience of the implementation of projects in general and “green” projects. As for China, such process corresponds to the 13th Five Year Plan priority outlined as environmental protection inside China and abroad. Besides that, the implementation of projects in Africa also becomes a part of the Belt ad Road Initiative. Moreover, such activity acts as an obvious evidence of China`s growing involvement in international financial stage and global environmental protection.


By participating in such projects, China demonstrates its involvement in international environmental cooperation. In turn, African countries are also interested in continuing interaction, which brings them the renewal of infrastructure, the introduction of new technologies, reduces the burden on the environment and contributes to the preservation of the unique nature.

KeywordsExport-Import Bank of China, Africa, green investments, 13th Five-year plan
Publication date22.10.2020
Number of characters10333
100 rub.
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