China as a health donor for african countries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow, Centre of Russian-African Relations and African States Foreign Policy Studies
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 30/1, Spiridonovka Str., Moscow, 123001, Russian Federation
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 9

The  article  devoted  to  China-Africa  cooperation  in  healthcare,  which  is  57  years  old.  Beijing  provides  medical assistance to all African countries, which have diplomatic relations with China. Chinese doctors use the achievements of modern and traditional Chinese medicine in their practice. Medical specialists are fighting malaria, operating eye diseases within the framework of the «Go to the light» program, and implementing a program of cooperation in the treatment of HIV infection.

The Action Plan for 2019-2021 adopted by China-Africa cooperation Forum (FOCAC) in 2018 provides 50 programs in the fields of medicine and health, including assistance to Africa in the treatment of HIV, tuberculosis, schistomatosis, cancer and heart diseases. The Plan outlines the urgent task to put the end to malaria on the continent by 2030. China often helped Africa in crisis situations. It made a great contribution to the fight against the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. China was the first to experience the effects of COVID-19. Now the coronavirus pandemic also affected Africa, where the spread of infection is particularly dangerous.

Despite  the  difficulties  in  Chinese  economy,  Beijing  expressed  its  readiness  to  help  Africa:  it  sent  testing  kits,  masks  and protective clothing for 54 countries on the continent; besides, it sent its specialists. As of 2018, China remained the largest exporter of medicines to Africa and the largest provider of health care for the continent. According to the Chinese leader XI Jinping, Beijing will continue to provide aid to African healthcare as long as Africa needs it.

KeywordsChina, Africa, medical aid, doctors, hospitals, diseases, malaria, medicine, Ebola, COVID-19
Publication date28.09.2020
Number of characters21013
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