China: elimination of poverty. Part 2

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Principal Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 9

The 1st part of the article, published in number 8 of the magazine, deals with the poverty problem of China in general as well as its specifics and reveales the main ways to reduce poverty during the last 70 years. By the end of 2020, according to the long-term strategic plans of China, the creation of «a medium well-to-do society» - Xiaokan is to be completed, and eradication of poverty in the country is the most important part of this strategic plans, its lower level. In general the article discusses the program aimed at the liquidation of poverty in China, the ways and methods of its solution, which allowed in a short time - the life of two generations - to actually achieve the elimination of absolute poverty in a country with 1,4 billion people.

The second part of the article studies the new strategy of poverty evaluation, the ways and methods of its solution. You need to clearly know: whom to help, who helps and is specifically responsible, how to help. The startegy ensures high degree of efficiency which has allowed to actually achieve the elimination of absolute poverty in the country in due time.

KeywordsXi Jinping, strategy of targeted eradication ofpoverty, conception of targeted actions, resourse mobilization system, responsibility system, fight poverty units in the country, ruling role of the party
Publication date28.09.2020
Number of characters33801
100 rub.
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