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1. Terent'ev V.I. Mongoliya. Kochevniki v gorode // Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2015. № 3. (Terentyev V.I. 2015. Mongolia. Nomads in the sity // Asia and Africa today. № 3) (In Russ.)
2. Ozhe M. Ne-mesta. Vvedenie v antropologiyu gipermoderna. M., NLO. 2017. (Auge M. 2017. Non-place. An introduction to Anthropology of Supermodernity. M.) (In Russ.)
3. Lindner R. Tekstura, voobrazhaemoe, gabitus: klyuchevye ponyatiya kul'turnogo analiza v urbanistike // Sobstvennaya logika gorodov. Novye podkhody v urbanistike. M., NLO. 2018. (Lindner R. 2018. Texture, imaginary, habitus: key concepts of cultural analysis in urban studies // Own logic of cities. New approaches in urban studies. M.) (In Russ.) - (accessed 05.11.2018)
4. Terent'ev V.I. Mongoliya: sovremennye mekhanizmy natsional'noj konsolidatsii // Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2014. № 5. (Terentyev V.I. 2014. Mongolia: modern mechanisms of national consolidation // Asia and Africa today. № 5) (In Russ.)
5. Boronoeva D.Ts. Sotsiokul'turnyj oblik sovremennogo Ulan-Batora // Prepodavatel' XXI vek. 2010. № 4. (Boronoeva D.Ts. 2010. Socio-cultural appearance of contemporary Ulaanbaatar // Prepodavatel XXI vek. № 4) (In Russ.)
6. Breslavskij A.S. Ulan-Bator i «prigorodnaya revolyutsiya» // Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2017. № 1. (Breslavsky A.S. 2017. Ulaanbaatar and the post-socialist suburban revolution // Asia and Africa today. № 1) (in Russ.)
7. Mikhalev A.V. Sovremennyj Ulan-Bator: na puti k mirovomu gorodu // Gorodskie issledovaniya i praktiki. 2016. Tom 1. № 2. (Mikhalev A.V. 2016. Ulaanbaatar Today: towards a global city // Urban studies and practices. Vol. 1. № 2) (In Russ.)
8. Narantuyaa N. Planirovka i zastrojka Ulan-Batora // Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitel'stvo. Nedvizhimost'. 2016. № 4 (19). (Narantuyaa N. 2016. Planning and development of Ulaanbaatar // Proceedings of universities. Investments. Construction. Real estate. № 4 (19)) (In Russ.)
9. Ivanova I.N., Pochebut L.G. Dinamika shvedskoj identichnosti // Muzej. Traditsii. Ehtnichnost'. 2013. № 2 (4). (Ivanova I.N., Pochebut L.G. 2013. Dynamics of Swedish identity // Museum. Traditions. Ethnicity. № 2 (4)) (In Russ.)
10. Batalov S.G. Kochevnicheskij gorod kak osoboe kul'turnoe yavlenie kochevoj tsivilizatsii Evrazii // Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2009. № 28 (166). (Batalov S.G. 2009. Nomadic city as a special cultural phenomenon of the nomadic civilization of Eurasia // Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. № 28 (166)) (In Russ.)
11. Yanovich S. «Obychnye» afrikanskie goroda i ikh sobstvennaya logika // Sobstvennaya logika gorodov. Novye podkhody v urbanistike. M., NLO. 2018. (Yanovich S. 2018. «Ordinary» African cities and their own logic // Own logic of cities. New approaches in urban studies. M.) (In Russ.) – (accessed 05.11.2018)
12. Mongoly v zerkale sotsiologii. Svodnyj sbornik rezul'tatov issledovanij. T. IV. Ulan-Bator, MAN, IF. 2015. (2015. Mongols in the mirror of sociology. Consolidated compilation of research results. Vol. IV. Ulaanbaatar) (In Russ.)
13. Badaraev D.D. Migratsionnye protsessy v mongol'skom obschestve v zerkale magistralej kul'tur // Izvestiya Vostochnogo Instituta. 2015. № 3 (27). (Badaraev D.D. 2015. Migration processes in the Mongolian society in the mirror of the highways of cultures // News of the Eastern Institute. № 3 (27)) (In Russ.)
14. Badaraev D.D. Sotsial'no-strukturnye protsessy v mongol'skom obschestve: opyt transformatsii i metodologicheskie aspekty izucheniya // Vestnik Buryatskogo nauchnogo tsentra SO RAN. 2014. № 4 (16). (Badaraev D.D. 2014. Social and structural processes in Mongolian society: experience of transformation and methodological aspects of the study // Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. № 4 (16)) (In Russ.)
15. Galijmaa N. Migratsiya mongolov za rubezh: pochemu oni uezzhayut i pochemu oni vozvraschayutsya // Vostok na Vostoke, v Rossii i na Zapade: transgranichnye migratsii i diaspory. SPb, Nestor-Istoriya. 2016, s. 19-34. (Galiimaa N. 2016. The Mongols’ cross-border migration: Why do they leave and why do they return // East in the East, in Russia and in the West: Cross-border migrations and diasporas. Saint Petersburg) (In Russ.)
16. Terent'ev V.I. «Nutag» kak ponimanie obraza maloj rodiny u sovremennykh mongolov // Tomskij zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovanij. 2018. № 2 (20). (Terentyev V.I. 2018. «Nutag» as understanding of the image of a small motherland of modern Mongolians // Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology. № 2 (20)) (In Russ.)
17. Renewed 2015-2045 Population Projection. Ulaanbaatar, National Statistics Office of Mongolia. 2017 (In Mong.)