Ulaanbaatar as a Non-Place

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: history teacher
Affiliation: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Ulaanbaatar branch)
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 4

The article examines the problems of changing mentality and identity of the nomadic Mongols, who at the beginning of the XXI century actively moved to a relatively permanent place of residence in the capital of the country – the city of Ulaanbaatar. The process of transforming urban space by yesterday’s nomads and the technology of transmitting specific cultural stereotypes from the steppe to the capital is described in the article. When moving to the city from provincial immigrants from the rural areas, images and ideas about nomadic culture become more relevant. However, these images cannot truly function in the context of urban life. This happens in isolation from the tradition and through its rethinking of nomadic life. These circumstances are extremely specific in the conditions of urban everyday life and manifest through nostalgia for motherland and nomadic culture. The theoretical and methodological novelty of the study is the experimental use of the conceptual model of «non-place» (anonymous places) by the French anthropologist M.Auge. The article attempts to explore Mongolian culture from the inside through emic analysis (emic standpoint). The no ownership of Ulaanbaatar is confirmed firstly by the fact that the provincials perceive the city as a seasonal camp from which it is necessary to migrate to another camp (abroad or back to the provinces). Secondly, Ulaanbaatar is not perceived by its inhabitants as a small homeland. The images of small homelands and discourses about these images are the basis for the identity of an any modern Mongolian.

KeywordsMongolia, Ulaanbaatar, city, nomadic culture, self-identity
Publication date29.04.2019
Number of characters23126
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