Contemporary Asian and African nations: a marxist perspective

Publication type Article
Status Published
Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, journal Vostok / Oriens)
Address: Russia, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 7

Current trends in world economy are globalization, automation and robotization. Contemporary Asian and African states face various problems. There are many ethnic, religious and territorial conflicts. Growing populations require more resources but the technical progress diminishes the needs of workforce throughout the Globe. The article offers a Marxist analysis of current developments and makes a forecast of the future. The author shows that there is no correlation between religious and/or traditional values, on the one hand, and the economic development, on the other hand. All current conflicts in Asia and Africa are caused by economic factors, such as poverty or struggle for resources, such as land, oil, or control over them. Ousting of people from industrial and even agricultural production makes the individuals marginal. Automation and robotization turn the main tendencies in the developments of Japanese, Chinese and Indian economies. Cutbacks of workplaces are the real challenge to the human beings who face the marginality as their usual lifestyle. The limited resources produce serious battles for the control over them. In Asia and Africa, globalization and marginalization lead to the strengthening of authoritarian regimes that are more progressive in the cases of coming-up developments. The conflicts will multiply and intensify in Asia and Africa. Transnational corporations and transnational capital will further instability to facilitate control over the small political units. The permanent information wars, conflicts and quarrels are the necessary results of current globalizing processes which, in turn, mark the advent of machinery civilization.

KeywordsAsia, globalization, robotization, marginality, Karl Marx, marxism
Publication date27.08.2018
Number of characters20398
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Additional sources and materials

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